96451 - Laboratory in Preparation of the Thesis (1) (G.D)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Drama, Art and Music Studies (cod. 5821)

Learning outcomes

By the end of the laboratory the student: knows the main research methodologies in the respective field of study; acquires an in-depth knowledge of the structure and organization of an argumentative text; is able to collect and organize primary and secondary sources, and to write a bibliography; knows how to apply appropriate editorial criteria in the finalization of the text.

Course contents

The Laboratory for the writing of the dissertation in Theatre Studies offers to students in DAMS useful tools to acquire competence and confidence in the drafting of texts in the theatrological field, in particular of the three-year degree thesis, but also of term papers or other types of text required during the university study path.

The topics covered and tested during the workshop will be articulated around the specialist skills of the group of teachers who will alternate in the classroom: Matteo Casari, Elena Cervellati, Maria Grazia Cupini, Gerardo Guccini, Rossella Mazzaglia, Matteo Paoletti, Enrico Pitozzi, Giulia Taddeo.

Lessons schedule

The Theatre Seminary will start on 21st March 2024 and will end on 10th May 2024. Here the timetable:

21st March Matteo Paoletti - Introduzione: cos'è e come si fa una tesi di laurea

22nd March Maria Grazia Cupini - Servizi bibliotecari da remoto ed elementi di ricerca bibliografica

4th April Enrico Pitozzi - Argomento di tesi e metodi d’indagine

5th April Elena Randi - Le fonti d'archivio: una selezione di casi studio

11th April Rossella Mazzaglia - La fonte orale e la documentazione storiografica

18th April Gerardo Guccini - I manuali, come studiarli e utilizzarli

19th April Giulia Taddeo - Le fonti giornalistiche e fotografiche

9th May Elena Cervellati - La videografia: ricerca documentaria, definizione e redazione

10th May Matteo Casari - La ricerca di campo

16th May Matteo Paoletti - Correzione degli elaborati e conclusione del corso


To participate in the Seminary it is necessary to send an enrollment request to matteo.paoletti5@unibo.it by 18th March 2024, indicating name and surname, matriculation number, degree course attended.


Recommanded readings (not mandatory):

Umberto Eco, Come si fa una tesi di laurea, Bompiani, Milano [any edition].

Vera Gheno, La tesi di laurea. Ricerca, scrittura e revisione per chiudere in bellezza, Zanichelli, Bologna 2019.

Teaching methods

The seminar will combine lectures presentations and class discussion. Active student participation is a key component of the seminar. Depending on the topics covered, practical exercises can be held.

Assessment methods

The Theater seminar, like other similar activities, does not provide for an exam. The constant and active participation in the lessons, monitored by the attendance register, will therefore determine the achievement of eligibility. To obtain eligibility, it is essential to attend at least 80% of the classes.

Teaching tools

Projections of video materials, reading and analysis of texts, writing exercises in the classroom.

Office hours

See the website of Matteo Paoletti