93586 - People and Cultures of Central Asia

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Mediterranean History, Societies and Cultures (cod. 5974)

Learning outcomes

In this course you will study the populations and cultures of Central Asia in their historical development and their relations on the one hand with the Iranian world, on the other with the East. Central Asia has been at the center of the great transit routes of the populations that moved westward and the large commercial routes, on which goods and ideas passed in both directions. It was also - and still partially is - the point of contact between nomadic and sedentary populations and the meeting point of different languages, cultures and religions. After attending this course the student has a good general knowledge of the development of the region in historical perspective, acquires a specific knowledge of the individual populations that inhabit it and their mutual cultural, political and economic relationships in the Central Asian geopolitical framework.

Course contents

Outlines of Central Asian history in antiquity. Central Asia before the Achaemenids. Central Asia within the Iranian empires. Nomads and sedentary peoples. The Arabs. The Seljuks. The Mongol invasion and the pax mongolica. Central Asia between the Russian and British empires. Soviet and post-Soviet Central Asia: peoples, languages, crisis areas. Contemporary Afghanistan. Interaction between the Mediterranean and Central Asian regions in the contemporary world.


P. Hopkirk, Il grande gioco. I Servizi Segreti in Asia Centrale. Milano, 2004.

M. Buttino, La rivoluzione capovolta: l'Asia Centrale tra il crollo dell'impero zarista e la formazione dell'URSS. Napoli, 2003.

P. Hopkirk, Diavoli stranieri sulla Via della Seta. La ricerca dei tesori perduti dell'Asia Centrale. Milano, 2006.

G. Vercellin, Afghanistan, 1973-1979: dalla repubblica presidenziale alla repubblica democratica. Venezia, 1979.

G. Breccia, Le guerre afgane. Bologna, 2014.

G. Bonci, La guerra russo-afghana. Gorizia, 2017.

I. Jelen, Repubbliche ex-sovietiche dell'Asia Centrale. Torino, 2000.

Dubnov, A. Perché è crollata l'Unione Sovietica? Bologna, 2020.

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons using textual material for students.

Assessment methods

Oral exam with registration through AlmaEsami. During the exam the basic knowledge related to the program will be verified; the ability to understand and explain the main problems faced during the lessons will be assessed with discussion and comment on the sources; particular attention will also be paid to the historical development of the discipline.

Solid vision of the subjects presented in the class, knowledge of the related arguments with precision in the terminology, ability in the critical reference to the different aspects of the discipline = highest votes.

Mnenomic knowledge with a correct language but not always consistent and critically argumented = discrete valutation.

Weak preparation, unfitting language, mistakes, incompetence in the bibliographical items, uncritical references = insufficient

Teaching tools

manuals, videos

Students who are affected by learning disability (DSA) and in need of special strategies to compensate it, are kindly requested to contact the Teacher, in order to be referred to the colleagues in charge and get proper advice and instructions.

Office hours

See the website of Paolo Ognibene