77811 - Laboratory (3) (G.B)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Communication Sciences (cod. 8885)

Learning outcomes

Food studies: a training lab

What is the connection between food and city? This training laboratory will explore this relationship by providing some of the multidisciplinary elements that characterize the emerging field of Food Studies.

The students will learn some of the sociological methods useful for conducting a research on concrete cases to be identified in the metropolitan area of Bologna.

Course contents

The first part of the lab is articulated into lectures for improving the understanding in students of the socio-political aspects that influence the interrelationships between food, territory, environment, and society. In particular, the lab will focus on what are commonly defined as 'conventional' and 'alternative' food systems through the presentation of concrete case studies.

In the second part of the lab, some of the main methods of social research in the field of Food Studies will be explained and tested in the classroom. These will include both qualitative and quantitative methods such as semi-structured interviews and questionnaires also by using free access software. Particular attention will be paid to the ethical aspects of social research.

In the third part of the lab students will be asked to identify, on the basis of the acquired content, concrete cases in the metropolitan area of Bologna. The food-related cases will be selected jointly with the instructor by paying particular attention to their characteristic of socio-technical innovation. The students will thus develop a tailored research method to produce a short essay on their selected cases, to be presented later in the classroom.

Attendance tracking in the classroom

For passing the laboratory, attendance at 80% of the classes is required. Attendance will be recorded through signature collection at the entrance and exit.


Bibliographic information will be provided during the course of the lab for both the topics covered during the lectures and for the analysis of concrete case studies.

Teaching methods

The course includes lectures, calssroom exercises and discussions, presentations by students.

Assessment methods

The evaluation will be based on classroom participation (20%), the research essay (70%) and the final presentation (30%). Only students who attend a minimum of 80% of the lectures will be eligible to access the final evaluations.

Students with disabilities and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders have the right to special accommodations according to their condition, following an assessment by the Service for Students with Disabilities and SLD. Please do not contact the teacher but get in touch with the Service directly to schedule an appointment. It will be the responsibility of the Service to determine the appropriate adaptations. For more information, visit the page:


Teaching tools

Video projector, computer, PowerPoint, data collection software.

Office hours

See the website of Agnese Cretella