Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Economics, Markets and Institutions (cod. 8038)

Learning outcomes

This exam in EMI is motivated by the need to respond to several curiosities involving the topic of inequality and poverty through a series of analytical/mathematical tools. The goal is to understand these phenomena from a multidimensional perspective looking at static and social mobility. We will cover a range of topics about the evolution of income and wealth, the problem of access to health care, and educational disparities in Italy compared to other European countries. The course will address these topics from an equality of opportunity perspective with theoretical analysis and empirical applications, as in the case of gender inequality. We will analyze the role of the state and some potential policy interventions adopted over the years by different countries to struggle against inequality and poverty in societies. The student will be able to understand the phenomena related to inequality and poverty and intervene in the public debate using some criteria for evaluating the phenomena. The evolution of inequality and poverty over the years will enable students to differentiate interventions based on market systems and ascertain the potential conditions for public intervention in compliance with the ethical welfare system.

Course contents

The proposed syllabus is a preview for guidance with the idea to draw some simple guidelines. Additional materials will be provided in due time.

It is worth noting that this is a first-year experiment in EMI – therefore, we will choose the specific programs to develop based on the needs that emerged/proposed by the attending class.

Potential topics:

· Economics of Inequality and Poverty - role in the society

· Focus on Inequality and Poverty - definitions and interpretations

· Philosophical approach - interaction between Ethics and Economics

· Historical evolution of Inequality

· Merit - Consequence of a just social order

· Measurement - indices and benchmark statistics

· Scale of equivalence and the need for public interventions

· Inequality of Opportunity and Merit

· Randomized Experiments and Identification of Policy Instruments.

· Public Interventions and Identification of Effects.

· Educational processes and case studies associated with some reforms


Some References related to the topics:

· Piketty T. (2021), Capitale e Ideologia, La nave di Teseo (capitoli da definire)

· Baldini M. e S. Toso (2009), Diseguaglianza, povertà e politiche pubbliche, (capitoli 1-2), Il Mulino

· Galbraith J. (2016), Inequality – What everyone needs to know, (capitoli 1-5), Oxford University Press

· Franzini M. (2018), Disuguaglianze inaccettabili – l’immobilità economica in Italia, Laterza Editore

· Gentili, A. e G. Pignataro (2021), Disuguaglianza e istruzione in Italia, (capitoli 4-5), Carocci Editore.

Supplementary materials (chapters, ope-ed articles) will be provided during the class.

Full details on the material to be studied will be given at the beginning of the course.

Teaching methods

The teaching method involves face-to-face lectures in presence and group interactions among students. Considering the type of exam and the quantitative nature of the topics, it is worth pointing out the enormous importance of regular class attendance.

Assessment methods

The assessment method (to be defined) is potentially developed in two directions:

1. Passing a written test involving multiple-choice and open-ended questions on the topics developed during the course.

2. The development of a short paper (3000 words) to be presented at the end of the course. This option is conditional on the number of attending students during the lessons.

The maximum score obtainable by providing all correct answers is 30 cum laude according to the following ranking:<18 failed
18-23 sufficient
24-27 good
28-30 very good
30 cum laude excellent

Teaching tools

Lectures in presence with the support of interactive slides.

Office hours

See the website of Giuseppe Pignataro