99995 - Museum Methodology (1)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in History (cod. 0962)

Learning outcomes

Al termine del corso lo studente conosce le principali teorie e metodologie inerenti agli allestimenti museali ed è in grado di formulare proposte autonome di didattica museale di argomento storico-culturale.

Course contents

The course will propose a historical, critical and theoretical journey through the world of museums: collections and exhibitions will be discussed with reference to the different organization and exhibition choices that have characterized the most qualified proposals over time. The transformations of museum forms and the functions that they have fulfilled in different nations and eras will also be illustrated, focusing on museum forms such as city museums, “widespread museums”, ecomuseums and virtual museums. A particular focus will be dedicated to the theme of temporary exhibitions: a sector experiencing exponential growth from the point of view of numbers, investments and commercial implications. We will reflect on the motivations, on the messages that these installations must or can convey, on the most effective exhibition techniques, but also on their transformation into spectacular events, into large blockbuster exhibitions, sometimes far from the essence of the work of art, from its connection with the past and its dialogue with contemporaneity.



1) M.V. Clarelli, Che cos’è un museo, Carocci, Roma 2005

2) of your choice:

- T. Montanari, V. Trione, Contro le mostre, Einaudi, Torino 2017.

- J. Clair, La crisi dei musei. La globalizzazione della cultura, Skira, Milano 2008.


1) M.V. Clarelli, Che cos’è un museo, Carocci, Roma 2005

2) M.T. Fiorio, Il museo nella storia. Dallo studiolo alla raccolta pubblica, II ed., Pearson, Zibido San Giacomo 2018.

3) of your choice:

- T. Montanari, V. Trione, Contro le mostre, Einaudi, Torino 2017.

- J. Clair, La crisi dei musei. La globalizzazione della cultura, Skira, Milano 2008.

Teaching methods

The course is divided into lectures and discussion with the students of the material presented in class. Visits to some local museums will also be offered.

Assessment methods

Oral exam focusing on the contents of the lessons and on the two volumes indicated in the bibliography for the students attending; oral exam focusing on the texts listed in the bibliography for those who cannot follow the lessons.

The learning of the contents and their personal reworking will be evaluated.

The student's achievement of an organic vision of the topics studied together with their critical use, a good mastery of expression and specific language will be assessed with grades of excellence.

A mnemonic knowledge of the subject, together with synthesis and analysis skills articulated in a correct, but not always appropriate, language, will lead to fair evaluations.

Training gaps and/or inappropriate language - even in a context of minimal knowledge of the exam material - will lead to barely sufficient grades.

Training gaps, inappropriate language, lack of orientation within the bibliographic materials under study will be evaluated negatively.

Teaching tools

Power points dedicated to different topics

Office hours

See the website of Laura Pasquini