39473 - Bioengeneering and Development of Artificial Organs and Prosthesis

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Orthopaedics Techniques (cod. 5915)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the module the student possesses the skills and knowledge for the construction and management of limb prostheses, specifically the main types of upper and lower limb prostheses, and the biomechanical principles underlying their operation. The student acquires knowledge on the classification of prostheses, the manufacturing methods and how these are traced back to the"nomenclatore tariffario"

Course contents


1. The INAIL Prosthesis Center Bioengineering, applied physics, bionics, anthropometry Medical device classification according to ISO the "nomenclatore Tariffario" and the "Regolamento Protesico INAIL".


Lower limb prostheses

Mobility levels Construction types: traditional (exoskeletal) and modular (endoskeletal) Lower limb prostheses for different levels of amputation Functional and cosmetic prostheses Bathroom prosthesis Geriatric and developmental age prostheses Gyroplasty Post-operative, temporary and definitive prostheses

Upper limb prostheses Passive prostheses: working and aesthetic Active prostheses: body energy, extra body and mixed The myoelectric prosthesis: operating principles, components and applications The new frontier of upper limb prostheses: polyarticulated hands The INAIL components (elbow, shoulder, wrist rotator ..) the TMR technique (Targeted Muscle Reinnervation) the IMESs technique (Implantable Myoelectric Sensors) future hypotheses: prosthesis control directly from CNS and PNS.

Lower limb prosthesis components

Hip joint Feet (SACH, dynamic, articulated, energy return, for sports) Bath/Swim Ankle Rotators, torsional and axial dampers Cosmetic covers in foam and plastic materials

The prosthetic knee

Functional and anatomical comparison with the physiological knee Gin. monocentric and polycentric Control systems (geometric, hydraulic, pneumatic) The electronic knee: operating principles The magnetorheological knee Gait study with polycentric knee

Bionics applied to prosthetics

High-tech prostheses, orthoses and aids The bionic theory in the prosthetic field The bionic prostheses already available Future scenarios for limb prostheses Applied research in prosthetics

Sockets and prosthesis suspension systems

The sockets for transfemoral, transtibial and upper limb prostheses Hypobaric suspension systems, under passive and active vacuum Mechanical suspension systems The abutment caps Biomechanics of transfemoral sockets Digital osteointegration and for lower limb prostheses

Innovative techniques in the production of prostheses

CAD CAM techniques for transtibial, transfemoral, partial foot, upper limb prostheses, custom-made footwear, orthoses, silicone cosmetics, etc.) Copying pottings 3D scans of anatomical parts Motion analysis Principles of stereophotogrammetry Stages of the human journey

Theoretical and applied research, prostheses for sporting activities and special applications The concept of three-dimensional digitization of surfaces Digitization Rapid prototyping and reverse engineering (RP and RE) The scan Rapid prototyping: operating principles and various application techniques Sintering of different materials RP and RE for upper limb silicone cosmetic prostheses Research at the INAIL Prosthesis Center Disabled sport: prostheses for Paralympic or leisure athletes









the .ppt or -pdf file of the lessons

Teaching methods

frontal or online lessons (Teams) with the "didattica mista" method

Assessment methods

Oral exam on multiple "appelli".

Teaching tools

"Virtual classroom" at the INAIL Centro Protesi

Office hours

See the website of Enrico Boccafogli