59209 - Applied Nursing Methodology (A)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing (cod. 5907)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the module the student has an understanding of Functional Health Models and knows the nursing methodology to respond progressively to the different degrees of care complexity presented by the person/family/community.

Course contents

Application of the nursing process with reference to

Nutrition and metabolism model;
Elimination model;
Health perception and management model (safety and risk avoidance).
Each model develops generalities and influencing factors of the model; characteristics and impairments that may manifest; data useful for nursing assessment; nursing diagnoses NANDA I taxonomy, outcomes (NOC) and interventions (NIC) related to the diagnoses.


- nutritional and metabolic model

nutrition as a lifestyle for good health

factors influencing the model

dehydration: characteristics, classification, risk factors

water balance and its assessment

dysphagia: definition, classification and standardised evaluation of swallowing

vomiting: types, causes and components

data useful for assessing the pattern including scales

The hospital diet: types and methods of meal distribution

Pressure injuries: mechanism of onset, risk factors, classification, possible complications and treatment principles

Risk assessment and monitoring scales

NANDA Diagnosis 2021-2023

Domain 2 Nutrition Class 1 Ingestion

00002 Imbalanced nutrition: below metabolic requirements

00232 Obesity

00233 Overweight

00234 Risk of being overweight

00103 Impaired swallowing

Class 5 Hydration

00028 Risk of insufficient fluid volume

Domain 11 Safety/Protection Class 2 Physical injury

00312 Pressure ulcer in adults

00304 Adult pressure ulcer risk

00046 Impaired skin integrity

00047 Risk of skin integrity compromised

00044 Impaired tissue integrity

00248 Risk of compromised tissue integrity

Diagnosis-related Outcomes and Interventions

- intestinal elimination pattern

the process of faeces elimination, its characteristics

(physiological and abnormal)

alterations in the faeces elimination process

factors influencing the pattern

main laboratory investigations on stool samples

useful data for ascertaining the pattern including scales

the enema: purposes, types and procedure

NANDA Diagnosis 2021-2023

Domain 3 Elimination and exchange

Class 2 Gastrointestinal function

00011 Constipation

00015 Risk of constipation

00012 Perceived constipation

00235 Chronic Functional Constipation

Outcomes and Interventions related to diagnosis

- urinary elimination model

the urine elimination process, its characteristics (physiological and abnormal)

alterations in the urine elimination process

factors influencing the pattern

main types of laboratory investigations on urine samples

useful data for ascertaining the pattern including scales

Bladder catheterisation: definition, purposes, drainage systems, procedures

Bladder catheters: characteristics and types

NANDA Diagnosis 2021-2023

Domain 3 Elimination and Exchange

Class 2 urinary function

00297 urinary incontinence associated with impairment

00016 impaired urinary elimination

00310 mixed urinary incontinence

00017 stress urinary incontinence

00019 urge urinary incontinence

00022 risk of urge urinary incontinence

00023 urinary retention

00322 risk of urinary retention

Outcomes and Interventions related to diagnosis

- health perception and management model (safety and hazard avoidance)
safety as a lifestyle for good health

factors influencing the model

risks in health:

- associated with the environment to treatments and diagnostic procedures

- for workers biological, due to exposure to infectious agents, from manual handling of loads, chemical, exposure to substances and preparations ;

- for the patient infections related to clinical and care activities, falls; chemical due to drug administration

identifying risk categories and prevention measures to be taken

regulatory references and management of medical waste

useful data in the assessment phase on the model including risk assessment scales

principles, methods and nursing responsibilities with respect to the procurement, storage and administration of drugs by commonly used routes of administration (oral and parenteral)

Main types of drug administration devices

Measures for preventing medication errors

Reference legislation: ministerial recommendations for drug administration and management

The storage and management of drugs and poisons

Blood sampling: venous and capillary

Venipuncture technique

Reference legislation for narcotic drugs


Craven, Hirnle "Principi fondamentali dell'assistenza infermieristica " VI edizione casa editrice Ambrosiana, Milano 2019

Saiani L., Brugnolli A. “ Trattato di cure infermieristiche ” III edizione Sorbona, Napoli 2021

Di Muzio" Manuale di procedure infermieristiche II edizione Edizioni EdiSES, Napoli 2021

NANDA International Diagnosi infermieristiche definizione e classificazione 2021/23 Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano 2021

Classificazione NOC dei risultati infermieristici Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano 2020 (3 edizione )

Classificazione NIC degli interventi infermieristici Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano 2020 (3 edizione )

per approfondimenti

J M.Wilkinson "Processo infermieristico e pensiero critico" 3° edizione Ed. CEA Milano 2013

G. Romigi, D. Bove "Competenze, abilità e responsabilità dell'infermiere nella terapia farmacologica" II ed.Edizioni EdiSES, Napoli 2023

L. Benci “La prescrizione e la somministrazione dei farmaci responsabilità giuridica e deontologica” Ed. Mc Graw Hill, Milano 2007



Teaching methods

Lectures and interactive lectures with discussion on the topics covered, case examples

Films referring to certain procedures

Exemplifications care planning clinical cases

Assessment methods

prova orale a cui si accede dopo il superamento di una prova scritta con domande a scelta multipla

l'ammissione è valida solo per il medesimo appello

Teaching tools

Sistema di video proiezione, filmati, presidi ,slide e materiale didattico pubblicato sul sito del docente

Office hours

See the website of Barbara Bergami