Academic Year 2023/2024

Learning outcomes

The module will allow students to understand through practice the basic principles of geographical education and the international standards of the notion of sustainability. They will acquire relational skills through the interactions with the other members of workgroups by mutually interacting in productive and respectful ways. By presenting their works before the class, they will acquire oral presentation and discussion skills to be productively used in future academic and professional situations. They will receive first-hand insights on the work of the educator.

Course contents


Main contents: spatiality of the educational relation; the model of the Valley Section; the Sustainable Development Goals; the places of environmental and "incidental" education; the work of the educator.

First meeting: chat to get acquainted. What is sustainability, what is environment? We will question some commonplaces on the matter. Groups start their programming.

Second meeting. The Sustainable Development Goals and their critiques. Workgroups, writing exercises and discussion.

Third meeting. The work of the educator. Meeting with professionals of education (from Cooperative CSAPSA 2)

Fourth meeting. some elements on theories of geographical education. The Valley Section, the walk and active education. Workgroups, mapping exercises and discussion.

Fifth meeting. Incidental education and its places. How to tech (and to learn) everywhere. Workgroups, mapping exercises and discussion.

Sixth meeting. The educational relation. Workgroups, relational simulations, groups presentations and final discussion.

[please note that the above detailed programme of the 6 meetings is indicative only and subject to change following the availability of external guests or students' proposals. Please check regularly the teacher's website]


Being this activity a laboratory, there are no mandatory readings, but I would recommend the following excellent texts for those who wish to know more:

  • Colin Ward, L’educazione incidentale, Milano, Eleuthèra, 2018 [a cura di Francesco Codello]
  • Pëtr Kropotkin, “What Geography Ought to Be/Cosa dovrebbe essere la Geografia” [several editions available online, in English or Italian]

Teaching methods

Short theoretical introductions followed by workgroups aimed at the solution of practical problems; simulation of situations in the educational relationship; presentation by students of the results of their workgroups; a meeting with professional of the educational sector (coop. CSAPSA-CSAPSA 2 - to be confirmed)

Assessment methods

I will consider your participation, commitment and critical contribution to the laboratory activities. Attendance is strictly mandatory.

This is a pass/fail component, therefore there will not be a final grade, but only a pass mark if you pass the module.

Teaching tools

Slides, videos, writing and drawing materials for creative mapping and writing exercises.

Short bibliography for those who are possibly interested in developing one of the matters addressed:

On critical views about environment, development and sustainability

Su visioni critiche dell’ambiente, dello sviluppo e della sostenibilità

Braidotti R., 2020, Il postumano. La vita oltre l’individuo, oltre la specie, oltre la morte. Roma, DeriveApprodi.

Gemenne F., Rankovic A. e Atelier de cartographie de Sciences Po, 2021, Atlante dell'Antropocene. Postfazione di Bruno Latour. Milano, Mimesis.

Haraway D., 2018, Manifesto cyborg : donne, tecnologie e biopolitiche del corpo. Prefazione di Rosi Braidotti. Milano, Feltrinelli.

Haraway D., 2019, Cthulucene, sopravvivere su un pianeta infetto. Roma, NERO.

ISTAT, Rapporto SDGs 2021, Informazioni statistiche per l’agenda 2021 in Italia, https://www.istat.it/it/archivio/260102

Kothari A. et al. (ed.), 2021, Pluriverso, dizionario del post-sviluppo. Napoli, Orthotes.

Latouche S. 2017, Il tempo della decrescita. Milano, Eleuthera.

Latour B. 2015. Non siamo mai stati moderni. Milano, Eleuthera.

Latour B. 1998. La scienza in azione. Introduzione alla sociologia della scienza. Torino, Edizioni di Comunità.

Sachs W. Et al. (ed.), Dizionario dello sviluppo. Torino, EGA, 2000

On spaces of education, geography and libertarian education

Codello F. 2011. Liberi di imparare. le esperienze di scuola non autoritaria in Italia e all'estero raccontate dai protagonisti. Firenze, Terra Nuova.

Codello F. 2005. La buona educazione. Milano, Franco Angeli.

Illich I. 1972. Descolarizzare la società. Milano, Mondadori.

Kraftl P., 2013, Geographies of alternative education : diverse learning spaces for children and young people. Bristol: Policy Press.

Kropotkin P 2020, Il mutuo appoggio, un fattore dell’evoluzione. Milano, Eleuthera.

Neill, A 2012. I ragazzi felici di Summerhill. Milano, RED.

Reclus E, 2020, Storia di un ruscello. Milano, Eleuthera.

Schmidt M. (ed.), 2010, Che cos’è il mondo? Un globo di cartone. Milano, Unicopli.

Spring J. 2021, L’educazione libertaria. Milano, Eleuthera.

Office hours

See the website of Federico Ferretti