Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Moduli: Stefano Silvestri (Modulo 1) Gianni Neri (Modulo 2) Stefano Silvestri (Modulo 3)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2) Traditional lectures (Modulo 3)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Building Engineering -Architecture (cod. 5697)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student will have acquired the fundamental concepts for the design of structural systems aimed at ensuring the mechanical safeness of the architectural works: direct and indirect actions, constraints, calculation models, measurement of safety with probabilistic methods; design and execution criteria; load tests; regulations.

Course contents


Students enrolled in the course must know the concept of vectors, forces, mass geometry, and they should be able to manage the principal methods for the resolution of isostatic and basing methods for solving simple statically redundant structures (such as force method, virtual work principle, etc). They also must have a sound knowledge of the beam’s theory and of cross-section analysis for linear homogeneous materials. Students must also be familiar with the concepts equilibrium and compatibility and the main aspects of statics.

The aforementioned topics are typically covered in the courses “Meccanica Razionale” and “Scienza delle Costruzioni”.

All the lectures will be held in English Language.



The course is subdivided into three teaching units:

1) the first module focuses on the subject of structural design, presents the technical codes, the building materials, the actions on the structures, the methods of verification of the structural elements, and discusses conceptual design of structures;

2) the second module refers to the design of conventional structures in reinforced concrete and steel, in accordance with the Eurocodes;

3) the third module relates to the methods of solving isostatic and hyperstatic structures.


Module 1 (Prof. Stefano Silvestri)


- Reference standards. Limit state design approach. Elements of probability theory. General rules of the limit states design.

- Materials. Reinforced concrete: Technology; mechanical characterization, conformity, tests. Steel: strength classes, requirements, conformity.

- Actions on structures. Dead loads. Live loads and variable actions on structures (snow, wind, etc...). Seismic action. Load combinations.

- Verification of structural steel elements: deformability checks, strength verifications and buckling. Allowable stress methods and limit state method.

- Design of reinforced concrete frames. Identification of the structural layout of a building. Three-dimensional organization of the structural elements.

- Verification of reinforced concrete elements: working stress method. Homogenization coefficient. Analysis of R/C sections in bending. Preliminary criteria for structural elements.

- Verification of reinforced concrete elements: limit state design method. Constitutive laws for materials. Failure modes for cross sections in bending. Ultimate moment for bending actions. Verification and design of elements against shear actions. Elements subjected to axial and bending actions: interaction between M-N. Simplified rules for design and verification.


Module 2 (Ing. Gianni Neri)


- Review of geometry of masses. The concept of moment of inertia.

- Design of floors. Load analysis. Recurring types of floors: brick-concrete, steel and wooden floors.

- Structural typologies in reinforced concrete.

- Design of reinforced concrete girders. Beams in height and thickness. General criteria for the evaluation of internal actions and for the general sizing of the beams. Loading conditions for maximum stress values. Formwork drawings and arrangement of bending and shear reinforcement. Detailing rules.

- Design of reinforced concrete columns. Preliminary design of columns. Loading conditions. Design criteria and reinforcement layout. Detailing rules.

- Structural typologies in steel material.

- General design rules. Strength verification of elements (classes 1-3) against tension, compression, shear and bending actions.

- Deformation limits.

- Stability of compressed elements, Euler’s theory and real behavior of compressed elements.

- Bolted connections. Welded connections. Connection systems with the foundations.

- Design of foundations. Loads on the foundations. Continuous (beams) and isolated foundations (squat or slender footings). Simplified analysis of continuous foundations. General design rules. Detailing and reinforcement layout.


Module 3 (Prof. Stefano Silvestri)


- Restraints and definitions of isostatic and hyperstatic structures.

- Calculation of isostatic structures. Applications of the Principle of Virtual Works for the evaluation of displacements/rotations.

- Calculation of hyperstatic structures with the congruence method. Fundamental cases of single-span beams. Rotational stiffnesses.

- Calculation of hyperstatic structures with the equilibrium method and with the auxiliary restraints method. Multi-span beam and simple frame applications. Symmetrical structures with symmetrical and antimetric loading. Structures with nodes that rotate and do not translate: rotational stiffnesses; Cross's method. Structures with nodes that translate and do not rotate: translational stiffnesses. Structures with nodes that both translate and rotate.



Lecture notes.

- E. Viola, “Fondamenti di Analisi Matriciale delle Strutture”, Pitagora Editrice Bologna, 1996.

- P. Pozzati e C. Ceccoli, “Teoria e Tecnica delle strutture”, ed. UTET, Torino, volumi I e II, 1972 – 1974.

- A. Ghersi, “Costruzioni in Cemento Armato”, Flaccovio editore, 2010.

- E. Cosenza, G. Manfredi, M. Pecce, “Strutture in cemento armato”, Hoepli, 2008.

- V. Nunziata, “Teoria e pratica delle strutture in acciaio”, Flaccovio editore, 2011.

- G. Ballio, F.M. Mazzolani, “Strutture in Acciaio”, Hoepli, 1987.

- Bill Mosley, John Bungey and Ray Hulse, “Reinforced Concrete Design to Eurocode 2”, Sixth Edition, Palgrave Macmillan.

- O. Belluzzi, “Scienza delle costruzioni”, ed. Zanichelli, Bologna, voll. II e III.

- F. Leonhardt, “C.A. & C.A.P.: calcolo di progetto & tecniche costruttive. Edizioni Tecniche, Milano, voll. I-III, 1977.

- A. Migliacci, “Progetto agli stati limite delle strutture in c.a.”, Masson Italia Ed., Milano, 1977.

- A. Migliacci, “Progetti di strutture”, Tamburini, Milano, 1968.

- E. Cosenza, C. Greco, “Il calcolo delle deformazioni nelle strutture in cemento armato”. CUEN, Napoli, 1996.

- E. Giangreco, “Ingegneria delle strutture”, UTET

- E. Torroja, “La concezione strutturale”, UTET

- J. Heyman, 1998, “Structural analysis. A historical approach”, Cambridge University Press

- G. Ballio, F.M. Mazzolani, “Strutture in acciaio”, Hoepli.

- G. Ballio, C. Bernuzzi, 2004, “Progettare costruzioni in acciaio”, Hoepli.

- N. Scibilia, 2005, “Progetto di strutture in acciaio”, 4° ed., Dario Flaccovio Editore.

- V. Nunziata, 2000, “Teoria e pratica delle strutture in acciaio”, 2° ed., Dario Flaccovio Editore.

- F. Hart, W. Henn, H. Sontag, 1982, “Architettura Acciaio Edifici Civili”, 2° ed., FINSIDER Gruppo IRI (edizione FINSIDER in lingua italiana del volume “Stahlbauatlas-Geschossbauten”, 2° ed., pubblicato dall'Institut für Internationale Architektur-Dokumentation di Monaco).

- J.C. McCormac, 2008, "Structural steel design", Pearson Prentice Hall

- J.C. Smith, 1996, "Structural steel design. LRFD approach", Wiley

- S.P. Timoshenko, J.M. Gere, 1961, "Theory of elastic stability", Dover publications

- T.V. Galambos, A.E. Surovek, 2008, "Structural stability of steel", Wiley

- T.Y. Lin, N.H. Burns, 1982, "Design of prestressed concrete structures", Wiley

- R. Walther, M.Miehlbradt, 1990, "Progettare in calcestruzzo armato", Hoepli

- C. Cestelli-Guidi, 1987, "Cemento armato precompresso", Hoepli

- L. Santarella, 1998, "Il cemento armato", 22a ediz., Hoepli

- L. Goffi, P. Marro, 1998, "Appuni sul Cemento armato precompresso", CLUT editrice, Torino

From the technic-scientific book series for the design of steel structures by ITALSIDER:

- L.F. Donato, L. Sanpaolesi, 1970, “Gli acciai e la sicurezza delle costruzioni”, Volume I.

- L. Finzi, E. Nova, 1971, “Elementi strutturali”, Volume IV.

- D. Danieli, F. De Miranda, 1971, “Strutture in acciaio per l'edilizia civile e industriale”, Volume VI.



Eurocode 1: Actions on structures

Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures

Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures

Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni – D.M. 17/01/2018.

Circolare 21/01/2019, n. 617, C.S.LL.PP.

CNR 10011, Costruzioni in acciaio, 1988.

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons mainly at the blackboard (occasional use of Power-Point slides).
Numerical applicative examples at the blackboard.
Technical visits to labs and external companies.

Assessment methods

Achievements will be assessed by an overall (for all three modules) final oral exam. In general, three questions:

1. analysis of a isostatic or hyperstatic structure

2. safety verification of a structural element

3. design process, actions, materials, conceptual structural design, foundations, ...

The oral test is aimed at checking if the student has understood the subject in its theoretical aspects and if they are able to apply what studied in specific practical contexts.

To obtain a passing grade, students are required to at least demonstrate a sufficient knowledge of the key concepts of the subject. Higher grades will be awarded to students who demostrate a full and organic understanding of the subject, a high ability for critical application, an independent operative capacity to solve complex exercises and problems. A falling grade will be awarded if the student shows knowledge gaps in key concepts of the subject and/or inappropriate use of technical language.

Teaching tools

Possible lecture-notes supplied by the teacher.
Power-Point presentations.
Exercises solved by past-years students.
Notes from past-years students.

Office hours

See the website of Stefano Silvestri

See the website of Gianni Neri


Industry, innovation and infrastructure Sustainable cities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.