30413 - Philosophy Laboratory (1) (G.D)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Philosophy (cod. 9216)

Learning outcomes

The student learns to read and critically analyze philosophical texts and to write a philosophical essay.

Course contents

                        Space and time in Italian painting
                     between fifteenth and sixteenth centuries

The laboratory's aim consists in exemplifying and analyzing the methods for the philosophical reading of an iconographic text in its historical and theoretical framework.
The exemplification will be conducted from the relationship landscape / subject - background / foreground in some Renaissance painting.

Reference will be made in particular to:

-Masaccio, San Pietro risana gli infermi (Firenze, Santa Maria del Carmine, Cappella Brancacci)

-Jan van Eyck, I coniugi Arnolfini (Londra, National Gallery) - -

- Sant'Anna, la Vergine e il Bambino con l'agnellino (Parigi, Louvre).

During the lessons the paintings will be analyzed and compared in light of their biographical, cultural and theoretical frameworks.

To enroll in this Laboratory, write to annarita.angelini@unibo.it


The reference texts are the three reported paintings, also accessible online

Any insights into iconography iconology:

A. Angelini, Matematica e immaginazione nel Rinascimento, Milano 2017
- R. Lupacchini, Nella mente della natura, Pisa, ETS, 2020
- E. Panofsky, Studi di iconologia: i temi umanistici nell'arte del Rinascimento, Torino 1999
- E. H. Gombrich, Immagini simboliche, Torino 1972
- C. Ginzburg, Da A. Warburg a E. Gombrich. Note su un problema di metodo, in Miti emblemi spie. Morfologia e storia, Torino, Giulio Einaudi, 1986 ed edizioni successive, pp. 29-106
- J. Bialostocki, Iconografia e iconologia', in Enciclopedia universale dell'arte, VII, Firenze 1958

Teaching methods

Lectures on the iconographic text.
Interventions by students

Assessment methods

The exam will consist in a paper on a topic agreed with the teacher. To be able to face this verification, aimed at assessing the critical, reflexive and expository abilities, as well as the student's editorial skills, students must have followed the lessons to the extent of 8/10 and have weekly complied with what was required and considered indispensable for participation ( founded and active) to the debate and discussion during class hours.
If the proof is exceeded, students obtain the "idoneità".

Teaching tools

The pictures of the works will be projected and broken down in class.
A part of the interpretation will be left to the students, who will be required to work on the basis of the examples, of the interpretative schemes and of the material presented and examined during the classes

Office hours

See the website of Annarita Angelini