- Docente: Gabriele Manella
- Credits: 3
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
Second cycle degree programme (LM) in
Sociology and Social Work (cod. 8786)
Also valid for First cycle degree programme (L) in Social Work (cod. 8040)
from Sep 22, 2023 to Nov 22, 2023
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students: - know the role of services in emergency management: the legislative framework, the professional role of social worker and the role of service networks - the theoretical-methodological key-points of social intervention in these areas, - how local systems individuate and tackle the emerging needs.
Course contents
The workshop will be organized thanks to the collaboration with Luciano Serio, Carlo Brighi and Silva Cantini from the Pr.I.S. service - Cooperativa Società Dolce.
The following general issues will be considered:
- The meaning of social emergency.
- The theoretical and methodological framework.
- The map of services and their organization.
- The relations between services: practices and comparative examples.
As regards these topics, 8 seminars will be scheduled:
September 22 (from 1pm to 3pm): Presentation of the laboratory and presentation of Pronto Intervento Sociale (PrIS) of Bologna
- Prof. Gabriele Manella - UniBo
- Dr. Carlo Brighi, dr.ssa Silvia Cantini, dr. Sara Surace - PrIS Bologna - Società Dolce
September 29 (from 1pm to 5pm): Social workers in the management of natural disaters
- Dr. Barbara Verasani – Municipality of San Giovanni in Persiceto
- Dr. Carlo Brighi - PrIS Bologna - Società Dolce
October 6 (from 1pm to 3pm): Pronte Accoglienze in Bologna, a protection network between nodes and fractures
- Dr. Giovanni Mengoli - President of Consorzio Gruppo CeiS
- Dr. Chiara Roccatagliata - Nucleo coordinamento settore Fragilità - Società Dolce
- Dr. Carlo Brighi - Nucleo coordinamento settore Fragilità - Società Dolce
October 13 (from 1pm to 3pm): Debate with three PrIS services: Bologna, Tuscany and Venice
- Dr. Carlo Brighi - PrIS Bologna
- Dr. Andrea Mirri - SEUS Regione Toscana
- Dr. Mauro Spadotto - PrIS Venezia
October 20 (from 1pm to 3pm): Protection of minors and new measure ex 403 after the Cartabia reform
- Dr. Dario Vinci - Municipality of Bologna
- Dr. Gina Simoni - Municipality of Bologna
- Dr. Carlo Brighi - PrIS Bologna
October 27 (from 1pm to 3pm): Gender violence in emergency
- Dr. Giorgia Vannucci and Dr. Valentina Ghini – Associazione Mondo Donna
- Dr. Laura Giacobbi - Anti-tratta team, Società Dolce
- Dr. Carlo Brighi, Dr. Silvia Cantini - PrIS Bologna
November 3 (from 1pm to 3pm): Case works
- Dr. Carlo Brighi, dr. Sara Rollo, dr. Federica Folpini - PrIS Bologna
November 10 (from 1pm to 3pm): Coordination work with FF.OO.
- FF.OO. representatives
- Dr. Annalisa Faccini - Coordinator of Coesione Sociale area - Asp Città di Bologna
- Dr. Luciano Serio - Coordinator of Fragilità sector - Società Dolce
- Dr. Carlo Brighi - PrIS Bologna
A. Mirri, A. Campanini, Il servizio sociale d'urgenza. Gli interventi nelle emergenze personali e familiari, Carocci, Roma, 2022.
Teaching methods
Seminars, work groups.
Assessment methods
Credits will be assigned once the following conditions are met:
1. Attendance to seminar meetings (at least 6 on 8).
2. Final exam. The exam will consist on a paper to be submitted by e-mail to the teacher at least 10 days before the exam date. The topic will be chosen by the student but communicated and discussed with the teacher. The paper's maximum length is 15,000 characters including spaces and bibliography/sitography. The paper must include a brief introduction (objective of the work, structure of the paper, and the specific link with the laboratory topics) and a brief conclusion (two-three core aspects that emerged about the paper aim, and aspects that could be explored in the future).
Teaching tools
Powerpoint slides and other online material available on the Virtuale platform.
Office hours
See the website of Gabriele Manella
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.