- Docente: Monica Perotto
- Language: Russian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Language, Society and Communication (cod. 8874)
from Sep 26, 2023 to Dec 19, 2023
Learning outcomes
The student knows the linguistics of the Russian language in a deepened way (phonology, morphosyntax, lexicology, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics, stylistics and linguistics of the corpora). At the end of the two years course, the student is able to apply such knowledge by means of the use of suitable tools, the textual analysis; he/she knows how to use the learning methods which are developed in order to deepen and update in autonomy his/her own knowledge; he/she knows how to plan a linguistic search in a correct way. Through practical exercises during these 2 years, his/her communicative competences within all the linguistics abilities progress up to the level C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference, which allows students to effectively interpret the partner-linguistic and cultural codes in any subject within a communicative relationship.
Course contents
The course, which is a continuation of the approach to textual analysis already addressed in the first year of the course, will include the analysis of some genres of technical- scientific and literary texts with an in-depth study of their linguistic structures. Morphosyntactic and stylistic topics of particular complexity will be dealt with, related to the assigned texts. Students will also study in depth the characteristics of the current language of mass media and public debate, and will be offered audio and video materials to develop comprehension and interaction.
The theoretical course is associated with language exercises (практический курс -36 hours), which are an integral part of it, both in written and oral verification. The exercises allow the student to acquire dialogical (oral) and compositional (written) skills regarding the topics covered. In the practical course, students will also work on vocabulary and phraseology relevant to the types of texts under examination. There will be exercises of translation from Italian into Russian and of linguistic mediation (only for students who know Italian language).
Fundamental bibliography
Cadorin E., Kukushkina I., Il russo per l’azienda, HOEPLI, Milano,2014
Cadorin E., Kukushkina I., il russo tecnico-scientifico, HOEPLI, Milano, 2015
Perotto M., Kovaljova N., I numerali nella lingua russa , Aracne Editore, Roma 2005.
Pessina Longo H., Averjanova G.N., Rogova K., Principi della comunicazione scientifica in lingua russa, Clueb, Bologna 1995.
Novikova N., Russkij jazyk i kul'tura rechi dlja inostrancev. PDF web-local.rudn.ru
Valgina N. S., Teorija teksta , Мoskva 2003 (online: http://www.hi-edu.ru/x-books/xbook029/01/index.html?part-001.htm )
Teaching methods
Frontal lecture carried out with the help of PP presentations, analytical and communicative method.
Assessment methods
The final exam to test the acquired competences is composed of two parts: a presentation to be carried out in class during the semester (discussion of independently prepared topics based on an essay) and a written analisys to be carried out at the end of the course plus a linguistic assessment of the practical course (esercitazioni). The evaluation criteria will be the oral and written linguistic competence of the candidate and his/her ability to unravel textual analysis.
The passing of the written test is valid for 4 sessions. The final grade that will be recorded will consist of the average of the marks of the presentation and the written exam, including the linguistic assessment related to the practical course. The passing of the Russian linguistics 1 exam is a prerequisite for the Russian linguistics 2 exam.
The written test (3 hours) will focus on the lexical and stylistic analysis of a text compatible with those analyzed during the lessons, to be carried out with the help of monolingual dictionaries. For the oral presentation the student will have to prepare an essay independently, being able to comment on the main concepts of the functional styles of Russian speech. The topic will be agreed with the teacher during the year.
Teaching tools
Use will be made of the textbooks as well as PP presentations, audiovisual materials, and online materials available to the student. Any other materials will be provided to students on the Virtuale platform.
Office hours
See the website of Monica Perotto