Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures

Learning outcomes

The student will be able to handle basic communication situations in German with ease.

Course contents

The course will give students a basic understanding of the fundamental grammatical and lexical structures of the German language and an elementary oral and written language proficiency that enables them to interact in a limited number of everyday communicative situations.


The textbook is available in both paper and digital versions.

Textbook paper version:

Momente A1 Kursbuch plus interaktive Version: ISBN 978-3-19-501791-6
(paper version + startcode for the digital version)

Momente A1 Arbeitsbuch plus interaktive Version: 978-3-19-511791-3
(paper version + startcode for the digital version)


Textbook digital version:

Momente A1 Kursbuch interaktive Version: ISBN 978-3-19-601791-5
(versione digitale)

Momente A1 Arbeitsbuch interaktive Version: ISBN 978-3-19-611791-2
(versione digitale)


Teaching methods

The approach is communicative. The basic element of communicative didactics is the attention to the use of the language with greater emphasis on functional aspects and communicative competence than grammatical competence.

Assessment methods

Written examination (60min) divided into 4 parts:

- Grammar
- textual understanding
- listening comprehension
- free written production

Teaching tools

Textbook, Film, Content from the Internet, Games, etc.

Office hours

See the website of Monika Hengge