97308 - Construction Site Organization and Management

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Sciences and Technologies for Green and Landscape (cod. 5830)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student can plan and organize the technical-economic actions for the optimal and rational management of a construction site for green works, furthermore he knows and is able to prepare and update the main technical documents necessary for its management. The student can also define and manage the main construction phases of a construction site for green works by relating to the various professional figures involved.

Course contents

The teaching course includes theoretical lessons, practice exercise activities also using computer tools, seminars. Specifically, the following topics will be addressed:

- the professional figures involved in the construction site. The different figures present on site (customer, designer, builder, construction manager, safety manager, etc.) their role, related skills and relationships, will be illustrated and described. 

- construction site and work management documentation. The student will know the documentation to be produced to access to the construction site, to plan and manage the construction activities, from the design documents (project, bill of quantities, time schedule, etc.) to accounting documents (measurement booklet, construction site journal, etc.)

- safety on site. The student will be shown all the preventive measures to be taken to make the workplace safe, the relative documentation to be produced, the personal protective equipment and the procedures to be implemented, the relationship with the other figures involved and the responsibilities.

- green works. The course includes an in-depth study of the characteristics and peculiarities of the creation of green works.


"Il cantiere sicuro. Tecnica di prevenzione infortuni nei cantieri edili e di ingegneria civile" Giuseppe Semeraro 2022 - EPC Editore

D.Lgs. 81/2008. Misure di sicurezza nei cantieri

Teaching methods

The course includes lectures supported by laboratory activities and seminars.

Theoretical lessons will be preparatory to the laboratory activities. During the theoretical lessons the topics of the course will be illustrated. The laboratory activities will be aimed at simulating some management and organization activities of a construction site for the realization of the project conceived during the Green Infrastructures course.

During the latter the student will be guided in the production of a final report including some accounting documents drawn up by the student himself.

The report will be subject to discussion and revision in the classroom with the teacher and evaluated during the final exam.

Assessment methods

The knowledge and skills of this teaching are assessed in the following way. During the final exam, the knowledge and skills acquired on each of the two modules are assessed.

The learning evaluation of the contents of course involves an oral exam in which the teacher will evaluate:

  • the final documents (report and construction site documentation drawn up during the laboratory);
    their discussion;
  • the knowledge and preparation achieved on the theoretical part through specific questions asked to the candidate.

The overall evaluation is formulated by the commission taking into account:

  • for the theoretical part: the level of knowledge and skills acquired by the student in relation to the contents of all teaching units.
  • for documents: content, clarity, coherence and correctness.
    The evaluation is expressed in thirtieths.

To pass the exam, the student demonstrates that he has acquired sufficient knowledge on the main contents of the course. To achieve honors, a personal study of the topics covered is necessary, carried out with competence and autonomy.

Failure to attend theoretical lessons or exercises does not preclude passing the exam: those who cannot attend must contact the teacher to contact a substitute activity.

The dates, times and locations of the exams are published on the degree course website. To register for exam sessions, use the AlmaEsami web application.

Teaching tools

Projector and PC

Office hours

See the website of Alberto Barbaresi


Good health and well-being Industry, innovation and infrastructure Sustainable cities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.