39578 - Air and Water Hygiene

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Moduli: Sandra Cristino (Modulo 1) Vincenzo Marcotrigiano (Modulo 2) Vincenzo Marcotrigiano (Modulo 3)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2) Traditional lectures (Modulo 3)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Environment and Workplace Prevention Techniques (cod. 8487)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student is able to well know the main sources of pollution in soil , water and air. Become able to acquire the general principles of hygiene of several environments. Know the tools and methodologies to design and implement effective communication about environmental risks.
Learn and develop the discover and the use of efficient environmental risk communication by using the appropriate tools and techniques.

Course contents

Module I, (Professor. Sandra Cristino)

- Health and disease determinants: the relationship between man/environment / health; Direct and indirect profiylaxis
-Water for human consumption: water supply, drinking water, quality control;

- The New European Water Directive, a national directive,  development of Water Safety Plans;
- Water Borne Disease: the role of emerging pathogens, Legionella, risk analysis;
-Swimming Pool water: health and hygiene issues related to the functionality, assestment and regulation;

- Bathing water: Directives, characterization and quality assestment;

- Mineral water: Directive, carachterization and main carachetistics for human health;

Module II and III (Dott. Vincenzo Marcotrigiano)
-Air: chemical-physical characteristics, pollutants of indoor and outdoor environments, impact on human health.

- Indoor pollution and human health impact;

- Radon risk assestment: directive, assestment and and preventive measures;

- Microclimate definition and assestment;

- Weastwater classification, carachteristics and impact on human health;

- Waste Framework Directive: classification and risk assestment;

- Diseases associated with buildings: sick building syndrome and multiple chemical sensitivity;



PDF presentation provided by teaching staff

C.Signorelli, Igienee Sanità Pubblica 2019

Teaching methods

Frontal lesson with audiovisual materials, database consulting of main infectious disease surveillance networks based on water and air quality monitoring databases.

Assessment methods

Oral assestment

Teaching tools

Professional expertieses shared with students, research paper published by teaching group

Office hours

See the website of Sandra Cristino

See the website of Vincenzo Marcotrigiano

See the website of Vincenzo Marcotrigiano


Good health and well-being Clean water and sanitation

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.