Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Docente: Eva Wiesmann
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: L-LIN/14
  • Language: German
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Specialized translation (cod. 9174)

    Also valid for Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Specialized translation (cod. 9174)

Learning outcomes

The student knows the basic features (terms, concepts and methods) needed for the study of the structure, functions and textual organization of the German language; s/he knows the basic techniques required for information mining, drafting, editing and revising texts; s/he is able to understand, analyze and coherently produce complex written texts (but also oral speeches) belonging to various specialized text types and genres, particularly multimedia ones.

Course contents

Starting from the concept of media, the course is divided into three parts. The focus of the first is on conversational maxims and in particular the concept of text comprehensibility. After the examination of the criteria of text comprehensibility, the concepts learned will be applied to concrete texts that should be made more comprehensible, even during translation. The second part concerns web editing. The introduction of the theoretical notions will be followed by practical exercises concerning the rewriting of web pages that do not meet the criteria of web editing. Finally, in the centre of the third part, there is the easy language and the intralinguistic translation of texts in this language. The practical exercises will be introduced by a theoretical part. In this part some important conceptual distinctions are made which lead back to the concept of text comprehensibility.



  • Weischenberg, Siegfried / Pörksen, Bernhard (Hrsg.) (2005): Handbuch Journalismus und Medien. München: UVK.

Text comprehensibility

  • Ballstaedt, Steffen-Peter (2019): Sprachliche Kommunikation: Verstehen und Verständlichkeit. Stuttgart: UTB.
  • Göpferich, Susanne (2001): “Von Hamburg nach Karlsruhe. Ein kommunikationsorientierter Bezugsrahmen zur Bewertung der Verständlichkeit von Texten.” In: Fachsprache / International Journal of LSP 23/3–4, 117–138.
  • Lutz, Benedikt (2015): Verständlichkeitsforschung transdisziplinär. Plädoyer für eine anwenderfreundliche Wissensgesellschaft. Kommunikation im Fokus 6. Göttingen: V&R unipress.
  • Schmitt, Peter A. (1998): „Defekte im Ausgangstext". Snell-Hornby, Mary / Hönig, Hans / Kussmaul, Paul / Schmitt, Peter A. (Hrsg.) (1998): Handbuch Translation. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 147-151.


  • Spielkamp, M. / Wieland, M. (2003): Schreiben fürs Web. Konzeption – Text – Nutzung. Konstanz: UVK.
  • Storrer, Angelika (2017): Schreiben, um besucht zu werden: Textgestaltung fürs World Wide Web. Mannheim: Institut für Deutsche Sprache.
  • van Laak, Petra (2021): Duden Ratgeber – Clever texten fürs Web. So bringen Sie Ihr Unternehmen zum Glänzen – auf Homepage, Blog und Social Media. Mannheim: Bibliographisches Institut.

Easy-to-read language

  • Bock, Bettina (2014): „Leichte Sprache: Abgrenzung, Beschreibung und Problemstellungen aus Sicht der Linguistik“. In: Jekat, Susanne et al. (Hrsg.): Sprache barrierefrei gestalten. Perspektiven aus der Angewandten Linguistik. Berlin: Frank und Timme, 17-51.
  • Bock, Bettina/Lange, Daisy (2015): „Was ist eigentlich Leichte Sprache? Der Blick der Sprachwissenschaft“. In: Candussi, Klaus/Fröhlich, Walburga (Hrsg.): Leicht Lesen. Der Schlüssel zur Welt. Wien: Böhlau, 63-79.
  • Bredel, Ursula/Maaß, Christiane (2016a): Leichte Sprache. Theoretische Grundlagen. Orientierung für die Praxis. Berlin: Dudenverlag.
  • Bredel, Ursula/Maaß, Christiane (2016b): Ratgeber Leichte Sprache. Die wichtigsten Regeln und Empfehlungen für die Praxis. Berlin: Dudenverlag.
  • Luttermann, Karin (2017): „Klare Sprache als Mittel für Fachkommunikation und Wissenstransfer“. In: Information. Wissenschaft & Praxis 2017/68(4): 217-226.
  • Rink, Isabel (2020): Rechtskommunikation und Barrierefreiheit. Zur Übersetzung juristischer Informations- und Interaktionstexte in Leichte Sprache. Berlin: Frank & Timme.

Teaching methods

Lessons take place mainly in workshop-like mode, but also in lecture mode. During the lectures, the basic theoretical elements will be introduced. The practical exercises will be done individually at home. After being reviewed by the teacher, the texts produced will be discussed collectively in the classroom.

This course will be supported by special language training sessions (first semester) which will then be closely linked to course activities (second semester). Students will need to attend at least 70% of all course hours/language training sessions.

As concerns the teaching methods of this course unit, all students must attend the online Modules 1, 2 on Health and Safety [https://www.unibo.it/en/services-and-opportunities/health-and-assistance/health-and-safety/online-course-on-health-and-safety-in-study-and-internship-areas].

Assessment methods

Individual learning will be assessed by student presentations and an interim test consisting of the improvement of comprehensibility of a text of approx. 300 followed by a comment (time: 90 minutes).

At the end of the course there will be a final written assessment divided into to parts. The first consists of rewriting a text of approx. 500 words from a website and the second of translation a part of the same text into easy language (time: 3 hours). For each part a comment is requested.

The appropriateness of the interventions made on the texts with respect to predetermined parameters and the linguistic quality of the texts produced will be assessed.


Excellent level. The candidate possesses excellent translation/language skills, with a very high level of competence in the target language /(or) in the language and culture being studied.


Above average level. The candidate makes only minor errors, and shows a solid command of the required skills and competences.

24– 26

Generally sound level. The candidate displays a number of shortcomings, indicating a reasonable command of the required skills and competences.


Adequate level. The candidate displays significant shortcomings and only an adequate command of the required skills and competences.

18– 20

Minim level. The candidate only meets the minimum level required and shows a minimal command of the required skills and competences.

< 18 Fail

The candidate’s does not meet the required standard and shows a wholly inadequate command of the required skills and competences.

Teaching tools

Computer, beamer and internet connection, corpora and software for the construction of corpora, term bases and electronic dictionaries, special tools for text analysis and concept maps. The course will be managed on the e-learning platform of the Department. Students are expected to enrol.

Office hours

See the website of Eva Wiesmann


Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.