96395 - Radioastronomy

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Astrophysics and Cosmology (cod. 5828)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student will gain a deeper knowledge of the concepts regarding the synchrotron radiation and its relation with other processes of the production of radiation in astrophysics. Various astrophysical bodies will be analysed, ranging from interstellar gas, star formation and end-products, generation of radio jets on various scales, processes at the centre of galaxies and in the intergalactic medium, relativistic particle acceleration and re-accelerating, etc. The student will have advanced knowledge on both classical as well as new topics in radioastronomy, in the general framework of modern astrophysical research. The student will be able to understand and present in a critical manner research papers on arguments discussed during the course.

Course contents

The contents of this course can be summarised as follows:

0. Brief recap of emission mechanisms and plasma effects on e-m wave propagation

1. Radioastronomy: detectors & instumentation

2. The InteStellar Matter (ISM) detected by radioastronomy; HI in spiral galaxies & the rotation curve (& Oort Constants)

3. Molecules in the ISM and their relation to star formation

4. Young stellar objects & maser emission (& mega masers)

5. The Sun and Radio Stars

6. Supernovae and their radio remnants

7. Pulsars

8. Microquasars

9. The Milky Way and SgrA*

10. Emission from normal galaxies, star forming and starburst galaxies. Radio Galaxies. Deep fields & radio source population

11. Radio source Physics and evolution; Radio galaxies, FR-I and FR-II (and FR-0)

12.Clusters of galaxies & the (non-thermal) physics of the intergalactic medium


- Wilson, Rohlfs & Huttermeister "Tools of Radio Astronomy", A&A Library, Springer

- Longair, "High Energy Astrophysics", Cambridge University Press

- Additional material more specific to each section will be shown at the beginning of each lecture

Teaching methods

Oral lectures, with slides and animations. Some scientific works will be critically reviewed, trying to involve the attendants.

Assessment methods

Oral exam. Each candidate will choose the first subject for a discussion, and two further questions will complete the evaluation.

Total duration ~ 45'

Teaching tools

PC, video-projector, a couple of small experiments.

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Daniele Dallacasa