96277 - Theory and Technique of the Adapted Physical Activity

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Moduli: Maria Teresa Grilli (Modulo 1) Maria Teresa Grilli (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Sciences and Techniques of Preventive and Adapted Physical Activities (cod. 9263)

Learning outcomes

The student, at the end of the course, knows the various types of deficiency: physical, intellectual and relational, sensorial and learns the educational techniques and tools for the management of motor activities with people in a situation of disability. Particularly the student, considering the importance, acquires a higher level of emotional awareness, fundamental aspect in the management of relational dynamics with people with disabilities. The student learns the different communication techniques aimed at managing activities also through the presence, in the form, of a part of theoretical intervention to be carried out in the classroom and a part of practical intervention to be carried out in the gym. The student also knows and acquires - unstructured activities: objectives, design and programming, method of conducting unstructured situations, contents, evaluation; - semi-structured activities: objectives, design and programming, method of conducting semi-structured situations, contents, evaluation;- the psychomotor approach; - socio-affective empowerment as a tool to give motivation to be promoters of their own well-being.

Course contents

CIP - Promotion Bodies - Recognized Bodies, national and territorial structures, the management of Paralympic sport

Adapted physical activity - theory, methodology, strategies

Attention, memory, motivation, orientation

Sport classifications in Paralympic sport

Functional Rom Force Analysis and Coordination, Functional Classification Board

Sports and leisure aids

Amputations, from everyday life to sport

The relational intellectual disability. The sports facilities of reception, characteristics of main pathologies (brain injuries, Syndrome of Down, Autismo, cognitive delays)

Behavior disorders (DC, Dop, ADHD)

The specific learning disabilities


Handicap ad Sport - Luca Michelini

Joy of Moving - Pesce and others

Sports specific dispenses

Materials  and web sites presented during the course

Teaching methods

Fontal lessons

Measures of Paralympic testimonials, sharing experiences

Visit to specialized facilities or scheduled events

Assessment methods

Oral test, with production of a written test chosen by the student

Teaching tools

Expert and testimonial presentations

use of ppt and explanatory videos

Office hours

See the website of Maria Teresa Grilli