72971 - Innovation And Project Management Project Work M

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Computer Engineering (cod. 5826)

Learning outcomes

Apply the knowledge acquired in the course of "Gestione dell'innovazione e dei progetti LM" to carry out autonomously an in-depth activity on a topic agreed with the teacher in charge of the course.

Course contents

1.- New product development projects: key concepts.

2. – Idea generation: internal and external sources

3. – Idea selection and evaluation: key techniques.

4. – New product development: key decisions and best practices.

5. – Testing, validation and commercial launch of new products

6. – Project management: Concepts and techniques.


  • Schilling, M.. 2013. (3 ed.) “Gestione dell’innovazione”, McGraw-Hill, Milano, Terza Edizione (capitoli: Introduzione, 2, 3,6,9,11,12,13)

  • Coffetti, E. 2005. Gli strumenti di pianificazione e controllo dei tempi e delle risorse, in Baglieri et al. Organizzare e gestire progetti. Competenze per il project management. Etas, Milano.

  • Oriani, R. 2004. “La valutazione economica dei progetti di innovazione”, in Munari, F., Sobrero, M. “Innovazione tecnologica e gestione di impresa. La gestione dello sviluppo prodotto”, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2004.

Teaching methods

The responsibile of the course will assist, on an individual basis, the student in the preparation of the project work.

A relevant topic for the analysis will be defined together upfront; based on the teacher's suggestions, the student will costruct a database including information on innovation-related activities, using specific databases.

The student will analyze such data, following the suggestions of the teacher.

A final report (ppt preesntation) will be prepared, summarizing the main results of the analyses.

Assessment methods

The learning outcomes of the project-work will be assessed through the evaluation of the final report, plus an individual presentation (of the contents of the report) by the student.

The final report (in a ppt format) has to objective to assess the ability of the student to analyze in a rigorous way innovation-related data, and present in a clear and convincing way the findings of his/her analyses.

The individual presentation has the objective to assess the student's ability to communicate in an effective way.

Teaching tools



Case studies and excercises

Specialized databases

Office hours

See the website of Laura Toschi


Quality education Industry, innovation and infrastructure

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.