- Docente: Andrea Tarozzi
- Credits: 6
- SSD: BIO/14
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Andrea Tarozzi (Modulo 1) Eleonora Turrini (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Blended Learning (Modulo 1) Blended Learning (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Rimini
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Human Nutrition, Well-Being And Health (cod. 5812)
from Apr 10, 2024 to May 22, 2024
from May 28, 2024 to May 30, 2024
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student: - has an adequate knowledge of the interactions between drug and organism that determine its therapeutic and toxic effects; - knows the mechanisms of action and the therapeutic profile of the drugs used in neurological disorders, cardiovascular and renal diseases, and inflammation; - knows the main factors of drug response variability and the main mechanisms and effects of drug/food/food supplement interactions.
Course contents
Module 1
Introduction to Pharmacology
Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
Variability in drug respons
Nervous system Pharmacology
Cardiovascular and Renal Pharmacology
Inflammation Pharmacology
Drug/Food/Food Supplement Interactions
Introduction to Pharmacovigilance
Module 2
Online exercises involving the use of databases for consulting the summary of product characteristics of drugs or monographs of medicinal plants of established use. Phytovigilance. Case reports of possible adverse reactions or herb-drug interactions.
ROSSI F., V. CUOMO, C. RICCARDI (a cura di) "Farmacologia. Principi di base e applicazioni terapeutiche", IV ed., Torino, Edizioni Minerva Medica, 2019
Teaching methods
The course is involved in the University didactic trial and the 30% of the lessons will be carried out exlcusively online.
Assessment methods
Written test
Teaching tools
Overhead projector
Office hours
See the website of Andrea Tarozzi
See the website of Eleonora Turrini

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.