Academic Year 2023/2024

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student acquires the skills to use and manage numerical cartography and GIS and the basic aspect for realize and manage a Building Information Modeling.

Course contents

The following topics are discussed in the course.

Module 1
  • Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for the management of spatial data.
  • Vector and raster dataset models.
  • Main operators for spatial analysis.
  • Georeferencing of digital maps by GIS software: algorithms and strategies.
  • Use of digital terrain models (DTM) in GIS applications.
  • Cadastral data management.
Module 2
  • Introduction to BIM methodology and relevant regulations.
  • BIM applications in the built environment (HBIM).
  • Basic usage of dedicated software.
  • Modeling of architectural and structural elements.
  • Production and extraction of project documents.
  • BIM-GIS applications and data interoperability.


Migliaccio, F., Carrion, D., 2019. Sistemi Informativi Territoriali. Principi e applicazioni. UTET Università Editore. ISBN: 9788860086075.

Di Giuda, G.M., Villa, V., Eastman, C., Teicholz, P., Sacks, R., Liston, K., 2016. Il BIM: guida completa al building information modeling, Hoepli, ISBN:9788820367053.

Teaching methods

The lectures will be supplemented with many practical exercises in class to process spatial data using specific GIS and BIM software packages.

Assessment methods

The final examination consists of a practical exercise on a case study and a brief oral discussion.

Teaching tools

Slides or multimedia tools are used for the lectures. Open-source or educational software is provided.

The Virtuale didactic platform is used.

Office hours

See the website of Emanuele Mandanici

See the website of Domenico Simone Roggio