18065 - Fund Raising

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Blended Learning
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Innovation and Organization of Culture and the Arts (cod. 0902)

Learning outcomes

The student is expected to learn the strategies, tools and techniques used by cultural organizations in North America to generate contributed income from individuals, corporations, businesses and government agencies. In particular, the student is expected to learn: - the methods used in developing donor prospects - the variety of techniques used for soliciting contributions.

Course contents


This course will introduce strategies, tools, and techniques used by cultural organizations in North America to generate contributed income from individuals, small businesses, foundations, and government agencies. We will discuss the history of philanthropy in the United States, the culture of giving, and how this can apply to raising funds for any cultural organization or project, no matter the size or scope. You will learn methods for planning a fundraising campaign, cultivating donor relationships, and soliciting contributions from a variety of sources.

By the end of this course, you will be able to create a well-rounded fundraising plan, write a thorough grant application, and outline a dynamic crowdfunding campaign.


Readings - The expectation is that you will read the assigned articles or excerpts prior to each class meeting and be prepared to discuss and engage on the concepts during class. Lectures will augment the readings with information from other texts, research, my experience, and that of my clients, and current events. Reading materials are linked to in this syllabus, and available on the Unibo course website.

Participation - We will be covering a great deal of material in a limited amount of time through lecture, discussion, and some activities. Please be prepared to actively participate in class discussions. Come with your own conjecture and opinions: How does this apply to what you know? How is your culture different? Why do you disagree with my perspective? Learning via video call can be tiring, so I hope you will work with me to fill each class with discussion around these topics. I, in turn, will invite guest speakers to interview and provide activities to make this format as engaging as possible.

Attendance - According to the University of Bologna policy, you must attend at least 70% of the classes. If you miss more than 3 class sessions, no grade will be given for the course. Attendance will be taken no later than 10 minutes after the start of class.

Plagiarism - It is expected that all work product developed by the students will be original work. In some cases, when your final project relates to an actual organization, there might be an acceptable use of graphic or narrative elements. Any references must be properly footnoted or referenced. Cheating in any form is not acceptable and will result in a zero grade for this course.

Grading - All projects are individual work.

  • Participation in Grant Panel Exercise: 10% of final grade

  • Written Grant: 30% of final grade

  • Fundraising Plan Outline and Final Presentation: 60% of final grade


The Gospel of Wealth [https://media.carnegie.org/filer_public/0a/e1/0ae166c5-fca3-4adf-82a7-74c0534cd8de/gospel_of_wealth_2017.pdf], Andrew Carnegie (REVIEW ONLY)

How Philanthropy Can Shape the 21st Century Gospel of Wealth: a Move From Generosity to Justice [https://www.philanthropy.com/article/How-Philanthropy-Can-Shape-the/247686], Darren Walker

Billionaire philanthropy is a PR scam, wealth tax proponent argues [https://philanthropynewsdigest.org/news/billionaire-philanthropy-is-a-pr-scam-wealth-tax-proponent-argues], Candid

Americans Speak Out About the Arts [https://www.americansforthearts.org/sites/default/files/images/2016/research/public_op_poll/POP_FullReport_July11.pdf], Pages 1-5

Top 14 Reasons Why People Donate [https://www.networkforgood.com/nonprofitblog/how-to-get-donations-14-reasons-why-people-donate/], Network for Good

7 Reasons Why Donors Give [https://www.networkforgood.com/nonprofitblog/7-reasons-why-donors-give/], Network for Good

The Pareto Principle [http://www.thefundraisingauthority.com/strategy-and-planning/analyzing-fundraising-strategies/]

Fundraising Planning Worksheet [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jG0unjoT54lsTpS2DioCo7daA_JFFqXx/view?usp=sharing]

Succinct, Specific, and Generous [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vfGh8VE9yQZ7m83PjmMEBIN9XfX9X8j8/view?usp=sharing]

For Referece: IndieGogo [https://www.indiegogo.com/], Kickstarter [http://kickstarter.com/], Patreon [https://www.patreon.com/], Classy [https://www.classy.org/]

IceBucket Challenge [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iP1wfutrAfoe1htXLDLKTim9iaYCv7Dl/view?usp=sharing]

2018 Global NGO Technology Report [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cAmgs7rQkugvaWumik5EQLyfkDN8giV7/view?usp=sharing] (suggested only)

Responsive Fundraising [https://givingusa.org/responsive-fundraising-the-time-for-change-is-now/]

How to Make the Case for Giving [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t1QoH709LVvD-JSvhKFeSkaTL41cWffi/view?usp=sharing]

Types of Fundraising Campaigns [https://drive.google.com/file/d/18n7TbOhAd4Ftt8GgS4lbcXcNNTjkKgOG/view?usp=sharing]

IndieGogo Essential Guide to Crowdfunding [https://learn.indiegogo.com/the-essential-guide-to-crowdfunding/]

Major Gifts Fundraising Strategy [https://drive.google.com/file/d/17ehDZ4MQwxSYL1oiBUyrjnq0dO8p6uty/view?usp=sharing]

A Simple Guide to Individual Fundraising in the Arts [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i8HYUAE4cXWveef2DJa1-MDojCXmNE3d/view?usp=sharing]

Sample Event Plan [https://drive.google.com/file/d/18SHpAagsUNJDF83MsCUr911VznT2hVP0/view?usp=sharing]

Fundraising Event Sample Timeline [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cT4UbvHtlmDpCeoqTgqKGhQhnvfoKmfE/view?usp=sharing]

A Simple Guide to Institutional Fundraising in the Arts [https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwfiHNF2BRmvSGtDVmROU2J2X2s/view?usp=sharing]

Donor Bill of Rights [https://afpglobal.org/donor-bill-rights]

Code of Ethical Standards [https://afpglobal.org/ethicsmain/code-ethical-standards]

Sample Fundraising Plan [https://drive.google.com/file/d/10nVkRypYtuKXTomYmveCMUI5IBls-DIP/view?usp=sharing]

Crowdfunding Campaign Outline [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ofh9ahghMAk8KszQl11lHiFf8Z856dbTuV70iaHCCbI/edit#]

LOI Example 1 [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hUI-MwK9VwZBB-lm_qz8NKU_P8pKSAd-/view?usp=sharing]

LOI Example 2 [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tKXb7e5Mj8kW0g0INWvgoxyLc6kpdejQ/view?usp=sharing]

Assessment methods

All projects are due to me by the dates below. The final exam will be a defense of your fundraising plan via a 20-minute conversation with me, by appointment TBD. Please contact me if you cannot find an appointment on one of those days. Grading rubrics will be provided on the final day of class, along with more detailed outlines and examples of each project.

All assignments can be built based on project ideas you have developed during prior courses. If you developed a project for Project Management or the Laboratory of Visual Arts, or analyzed a specific organization in Business Models in Creative Industries, you can use that project or organization as the project for which you are fundraising. Please use the same project or organization for all three assignments. If you do not have a project in mind, speak with me during office hours.

Assignment 1: Participation in Grants Panel Exercise

  • Each student must participate: this is not a group assignment!

  • Due May 8, 2023 by 11:59 pm CEST

  • Format: Email completed scoring sheet as Excel or Google Sheet to professor

  • Details: You are responsible for reading the five grants submitted and scoring them based on the rubric given. You must adhere strictly to the rubric and be prepared to explain your reasons in class. During class on May 17, we will discuss scores and students will have the opportunity to change their scores if the conversation convinces them. We will then, as a group, “award” grants to these applications based on the average scores.

  • Evaluation: Each student is expected to complete the scoring by the date above and participate in discussing at least one of the grants in class. I will evaluate only participation and completion.

Assignment 2: LOI Grant Proposal with Budget and Budget Notes

  • Each student must submit their own LOI: This is not a group assignment!
  • Due May 26, 2023, by 11:59 pm CEST

  • Format: Word AND PDF document, emailed to the professor

  • Details: Write a two-page Letter of Interest (LOI) about your project. This document should include a project Mission and Vision/Values, History of the project, and Project Outline. The Outline should include goals, metrics, and evaluation plan. In addition to the two-page letter, you must include a project budget along with notes about the budget and financial decisions made. Budgets must include both an income plan (you can base this off of your fundraising plan) and the expenses.

  • Evaluation: You must make a strong case for your project, while explaining it with enough detail that a layperson can understand what is happening. You must include each section outlined in the Details above. The letter should convince me of the importance of the project, while also proving that you have a clear, achievable plan to reach your goals.

Assignment 3: Full Fundraising Plan

  • This assignment will be done in your project groups. You will also take your exam as a group.

  • Due June 16, 2023

  • Format: Word AND PDF document, emailed to the professor

  • Details: The fundraising plan provides the opportunity for you to articulate your project, it’s audience, activities, and needs. Plan should include:

    • Case for Support

    • Project Budget with specific income plan outline

    • Plan for each fundraising area that you plan to use (individual, foundations and government, events, corporate) outlining:

      • Plan and Rationale for each area

      • General Strategy

      • Levels and benefits, if appropriate

      • Prospects, if appropriate

      • Plan timeline

      • Any technology/platforms used and why

      • Estimated hard costs

      • Estimated staff time

    • *Plan MUST include a crowdfunding campaign! Assignment 2: Crowdfunding Campaign Outline

      • Title and Subtitle

      • Goal Amount

      • Project Story

      • Giving Levels and Perks

      • General 30-day Communications Plan (Include each week’s focus and/or theme and your financial or donor goals for that week)

    • Overall Calendar Summary


By appointment TBD

Knowing that each of your fundraising plans and other assignments may look very different depending on your specific projects and their needs, your final exam will be a presentation and defense of your fundraising plan. You will have 10 minutes to explain your plan to me and why you have made specific decisions. I will then discuss your plan with you for 10 minutes.

Fundraising is not a science, so I am not looking for precise numbers and answers. I will be grading upon your understanding of your own project and its needs, but also on your understanding of your audience, their level of interest and commitment, and what they need in order to donate.


Grading system:

• <18: fail
• 18-23:sufficient
• 24-27: good
• 28-30: very good
• 30 e lode: excellent

Office hours

See the website of Sarah Jean Benvenuti