95402 - English Language and Linguistic Exercises 2 - A

Academic Year 2023/2024

Learning outcomes

The teacher for this Esercitazioni group is to be decided.

For information on this course, see insegnamento "Lingua e Linguistica inglese 2" if you are student in LMCAAM or "Lingua e Linguistica inglese 2 M-Z" if you are student in LLS

Course contents

The teacher for this Esercitazioni group is to be decided.

For information on this course, see insegnamento "Lingua e Linguistica inglese 2" if you are student in LMCAAM or "Lingua e Linguistica inglese 2 M-Z" if you are student in LLS


The teacher for this Esercitazioni group is to be decided.

For information on this course, see insegnamento "Lingua e Linguistica inglese 2" if you are student in LMCAAM or "Lingua e Linguistica inglese 2 M-Z" if you are student in LLS

Teaching methods

The teacher for this Esercitazioni group is to be decided.

For information on this course, see insegnamento "Lingua e Linguistica inglese 2" if you are student in LMCAAM or "Lingua e Linguistica inglese 2 M-Z" if you are student in LLS

Assessment methods

The teacher for this Esercitazioni group is to be decided.

For information on this course, see insegnamento "Lingua e Linguistica inglese 2" if you are student in LMCAAM or "Lingua e Linguistica inglese 2 M-Z" if you are student in LLS

Teaching tools

The teacher for this Esercitazioni group is to be decided

For information on this course, see insegnamento "Lingua e Linguistica inglese 2" if you are student in LMCAAM or "Lingua e Linguistica inglese 2 M-Z" if you are student in LLS

Office hours

See the website of Monica Turci