94420 - Education as Life Design: Body-Mind-Emotion and Well-Being

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Docente: Rita Casadei
  • Credits: 4
  • SSD: M-PED/01
  • Language: English
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Educator in Childhood Social Services (cod. 9083)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student: - knows the theoretical framework and the main operational directions of the Holistic approach applied to pedagogy and educational practice; - has adequate knowledge of the concepts of well-being, in its complex relationship with health and personal growth; - is capable of applying the knowledge acquired in the design of educational and training processes responsive to physical, personal, social, emotional and spiritual needs; - has knowledge and skills to promote strategies and tools for generating self-reflection, expressiveness, communication and cooperation skills; - is able to make use of the tried learning methods and of the acquired analysis tools for the development of his/her personal and professional growth; - is able to give value to artistic and non-verbal expressive languages.

Course contents


Education and self-education is a project for Life, committed to deep caring process. Human being needs to regain an authentic sense of reality, through a self-awareness that places him/her in a deep bond with the world of which he/she is part. The Holistic aprroach to Education offers a wider vision to produce a new life-design and a transformative learning for a better understanding in terms of wholness-unity of mind and body, of interconnectedness between human beings and Cosmos. To consciously train one's integrity is to consolidate an experience that is a matrix of openness and connection with Life, in all its forms. Education itself could be designed in terms of pro-activity towards well-being, meant as consideration and protection for health, dignity, beauty and relationship. Holistic educational approach focusing on wholness attempts to avoid excluding any significant aspect of the human experience; paying attention to richness and complexity of life it promotes learning environment for integration and connection instead of for fragmented and divisive knowledge.


Teaching activity aims to enhance students’ecological and holistic understanding of education, in close consideration for the aesthetic experience. It means:

  • giving dignity to physical, corporeal and emotional dimensions,
  • giving value to artistic and non-verbal expressive languages,
  • restoring the scientific legitimacy of workshop experiences
  • expanding learning as an active multisensory experience
  • amplifying strategies and tools for generating self-reflection, expressiveness, communication and cooperation skills
  • encouraging participatory attitudes such as confidence, engagement, curiousity, imagination, enthusiasm, creativity, reflexivity
  • developing a wide range of skills and process such as problem-solving, inquiry, investigation, representation and effective communication,
  • supporting a sane sense of identity in connection and contribution to the world.


Rita Casadei, (2023), Education:questions and dialogues (at) work, Pisa, ETS
Selected bibliography will be provided

Teaching methods


Corporeal exercise

Introduction to meditation 

Expresssive languages

Seminar and educational excursion will be offered to enrich the learning experience, in accordance with the topics focused on.

Assessment methods

oral examination

Teaching tools


Extracts from documentaries

Expressive languages


Office hours

See the website of Rita Casadei


Good health and well-being Quality education Life on land

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.