29511 - Distributive Features of Buildings I (B)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture (cod. 9265)

    Also valid for Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture (cod. 9265)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the module, the student possesses the basic knowledge of the association of elementary units of the building, through the analysis of the units themselves and their use in the architectural composition, addressing the "characters" not only from a distributive point of view but also from a typological, constructive and stylistic point of view. It also knows the correct cataloging of the different types of buildings that have crossed the history of construction in Europe.

Course contents

The Architectural Design Laboratory I (C.I. 14 CFU, 192 hours) is composed by: module/teaching characterizing Architecture and Architectural Composition I (8 CFU, 120 hours), module/teaching of Character of buildings distribution (4 CFU, 48 hours) and module/teaching Drawing of the city and the landscape (2 ECTS, 24 hours).

The Class of Caratteri Distributivi degli Edifici (Buildings Setting up) have the aim to attend with theoretical lessons the Laboratories of Architectural Planning of the first year. Therefore, lectures will deal essentially with the link between some architecture's theories and the relations of these with the techniques of the architectonic composition (design). Another issue that will be given prominence is the extensions that these terms - theory and technique of the architectonic composition - entertain with the definition and the acknowledgment of the distributive and typological characters of buildings, in particular of the urban house and the isolated house. Therefore, will be propose an interpretation of some still valid theories of the XVIII and the XX century. Theories to our judgment, that still offers arguments of interest for the architecture design and the construction of urban space.

In this sense, the types of distribution and typology of some architectural projects considered as exemplary will be investigated with particular attention to the theme of the house, and then trying to frame and discuss these examples in some theoretical lessons through which to develop some reflections about the logical process that runs the architecture project. This involves a cognitive commitment and thus an analytical view of architecture.

The class aims to direct students toward this architecture education; it necessarily passes through the knowledge of its history and through the description of artifacts, in order to their identification through a specific technique which is the same architectural composition, in the more general context of research on the significance of architecture as an element on which the life of men is engaged. That effect will be investigated through the logical principles and rules of this technique by studying the works, designed and built that are the subject of the discipline. The class will seek to provide the necessary tools for observing and describing the artifacts that surround us and that are the background to our lives, suggesting a way of working, offering a technique and widening the know-how with the aim of providing students with a capability to make choices in the project, thanks to a cultural basis. The class takes on the theme of the "home" in its role of status of human activity, such as point of view through which to approach the study of architecture. In this respect, the lessons will outlines an interest in the forms of living that in their slow evolution were fixed in certain architectural types and ended up becoming representative of the ways of living in the city of European culture. The topic of the house will therefore be analyzed as an element of the construction of the city, in its dual object of use and work constructed within the institutional features of architecture.


- Aldo Rossi, L’architettura della città, Città studi, Milano 1994.

- Aldo Rossi, Scritti scelti sull'architettura e la città 1956-1972 , Clup, Milano 1975.

- Aldo Rossi, Autobiografia scientifica, Pratiche, Parma 1990.

-Adolf Loos, Parole nel vuoto, Adelphi, Milano 1996.

- Heinrich Tessenow, Osservazioni elementari sul costruire, Franco Angeli, Milano 1981.

-Le Corbusier, Verso una architettura, Longanesi, Milano 2003.

-John Summerson, Il linguaggio classico dell’architettura, Einaudi, Torino 1970.

-James S. Ackerman, Palladio, Einaudi, Torino 1972.

-Ludovico Quaroni, Progettare un edificio. Otto lezioni di Architettura, Mazzotta, Milano 1977.

-Carlos Martì Aris, Le variazioni dell’identità. Il tipo in architettura. Città Studi Edizioni, Torino, 1994..

-M. Caja, M. Landsberger, s. Malcovati, Tipologia architettonica e morfologia urbana. Il dibattito italiano – antologia 1969-1980, Libraccio, Milano 2010.

Bibliographies for the study of the topics discussed during the lectures will be give periodically.

Teaching methods

The workshop will consist of a series of lectures and seminars on theoretical content and objectives of the workshop. In the lessons we will try to investigate, through the example of works and projects of architecture, the logical principles of architectural composition; other lessons instead will be devoted to readings of "architectural texts" - projects and achievements - significant, which will be investigated links between design practice and theory, and with particular attention to housing in the thinking of some of the masters of modern architecture.

Assessment methods

The Architectural Design Laboratory I (C.I. 14 CFU, 192 hours) is composed by: module/teaching characterizing Architecture and Architectural Composition I (8 CFU, 120 hours), module/teaching of Character of buildings distribution (4 CFU, 48 hours) and module/teaching Drawing of the city and the landscape (2 ECTS, 24 hours).

The examination of the Architectural Design Laboratory I, includes the verification of the learning of the contents of all the 3 modules/teaching, that makes the integrated laboratory. The examination takes place in a single exam.

The examination and verification of learning of the teaching Character of buildings distribution I, it will take place as part of the exam of the Laboratory of Architectural Design, where in the evaluation of the project and the exercises carried out during the year will occur knowledge of the theoretical issues dealt with in the cycle of lectures and seminars.

For the evaluation criteria, see the course program of Architecture and Architectural Composition I.

Teaching tools

Laboratory for class exercises, models laboratory, PC, digital video projector, printers and plotter.

Office hours

See the website of Gino Malacarne


Sustainable cities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.