- Docente: Luca Decembrotto
- Credits: 8
- SSD: M-PED/03
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Blended Learning
- Campus: Rimini
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Expert in Social and Cultural Education (cod. 5727)
from Sep 20, 2023 to Nov 24, 2023
Course contents
The course offers a reflection on the conditions of people with disabilities and individuals in situations of marginality through discussions of theoretical, methodological, and experiential topics. It explores possible actions to promote their emancipation.
The course covers the following topics:
- Social representations of disability, marginalization, and social exclusion.
- Overview of Special Pedagogy, the inclusive perspective, the biopsychosocial model, and the critical approach of Disability Studies.
- Developing life projects for adults with disabilities in typical and atypical life settings (work, home, communities, digital communities) .
- Analyzing educational interventions in contexts of social marginalization, with specific reference to individuals deprived of freedom.
- Recognizing and promoting inclusive processes.
- The transformative and problematizing educational action within specific sociocultural contexts.
Operational tools will be derived simultaneously from the review of some works by Paulo Freire and bell hooks, seeking their relevance in proposals related to the ability to communicate and continuously construct shared linguistic codes.
Mandatory Readings
Freire P. Pedagogy of the Oppressed / Pedagogia do Oprimido (any version)
Bocci F. (2021). Pedagogia speciale come pedagogia inclusiva. Itinerari di un modo di essere della scienza dell'educazione. Guerini.
Lascioli A. e Pasqualotto L. (2021). Progetto individuale, vita adulta e disabilità. Prospettive e strumenti su base ICF, Carocci.
In the process of finalization
A text of your choice (it is possible to agree on a different one):
Kalica E. (2019). La pena di morte viva. Ergastolo, 41 bis e diritto penale del nemico. Milano: Meltemi.
Migliori S. (2007). Carcere, esclusione sociale, diritto alla formazione. Carocci [ARGOMENTO: la formazione in carcere]
Verdolini, V. (2022). L’istituzione reietta. Spazi e dinamiche del carcere in Italia. Carocci [ARGOMENTO: funzioni del carcere, dei suoi spazi e delle dinamiche che lo abitano]
Zizioli E. (2021). Donne detenute. Percorsi educativi di liberazione. Milano: FrancoAngeli.
In addition, teaching resources will be available on virtual university space (Virtuale).
Recommended Supplementary Readings
Bertolini P. e Caroni L. (2015). Ragazzi difficili. Pedagogia interpretativa e linee di intervento. Nuova edizione aggiornata a cura di Pierangelo Barone e Cristina Palmieri. Milano: FrancoAngeli.
Canevaro, A. (2008). Pietre che affiorano: i mediatori efficaci in educazione con la logica del domino. Edizioni Erickson.
Friso V. e Decembrotto L. (a cura di) (2018). Università e carcere. Il diritto allo studio tra vincoli e progettualità. Milano: Guerini e Associati.
Medeghini R., D’Alessio S., Marra A., Vadalà G. e Valtellina E. (2013). Disability studies. Emancipazione, inclusione scolastica e sociale, cittadinanza. Trento: Erickson.
Teaching methods
The course makes use of various supplementary tools to support traditional lectures, adhering to a hybrid teaching model.
Therefore, in-person teaching will be complemented by distance learning activities. The distance learning component (12 hours) will be devoted to group work aimed at creating a product (fanzine or poster) that delves into one of the topics covered in class.
Assessment methods
In the process of finalization
Office hours
See the website of Luca Decembrotto

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.