00345 - Aesthetics

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Moduli: Pierpaolo Ascari (Modulo 1) Pierpaolo Ascari (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture (cod. 9265)

Learning outcomes

Comprehension and discussion of some key questions of contemporary aesthetic debate on architecture, its language and link to the subject “city”, through a reconstructive and analytical approach.

Course contents

The course of Aesthetics (C.I. 4 CFU, 40 hours) consists of the characterizing Module 1 (2 CFU, 20 hours) and of the Module 2 - exercises (2 CFU, 20 hours).

The course will focus on the introduction and analysis of some notions relating to the relationships between historicity of perception, mass and places. To complete the presentation of these themes, descriptive-narrative texts will also be proposed as recommended readings and, as projections during the lessons, audiovisual materials analyzed and discussed in the classroom.


- Introduction: Lewis Mumford, L’insensata città industriale, in Id., La cultura delle città, a cura di Michela Rosso e Paolo Scrivano, Torino, Einaudi, 2007, pp. 133-212.

Mass, places, and perceptions: Gustave Le Bon, Psicologia delle folle [qualunque edizione]; Gabriel Tarde, Le leggi dell'imitazione [qualunque edizione]; Georg Simmel, Le metropoli e la vita dello spirito, a cura di Paolo Jedlowski, Armando, Roma 1995; Siegfried Kracauer, La massa come ornamento, trad. di Maria Giovanna Amirante Pappalardo e Francesco Maione, Prismi, Napoli 1982; Elias Canetti, Hitler secondo Speer, in Id., La coscienza delle parole, trad. di Furio Jesi, Milano, Adelphi, 1995, pp. 239-274; Walter Benjamin, L’opera d’arte nell’epoca della sua riproducibilità tecnica [seconda versione tedesca], a cura di Fabrizio Desideri, Donzelli, Roma 2012, pp. 45-91; Frantz Fanon, I dannati della terra, a cura di Liliana Ellena, Einaudi, Torino 2007, pp. 3-33.

Teaching methods

The course comprises 40 hours of lessons (the first and the second part: 20 hours each)

Assessment methods

The course of Aesthetics (C.I. 4 CFU, 40 hours) consists, as well as of the characterizing Module 1 (2 CFU, 20 hours), of the Module 2 - exercises (2 CFU, 20 hours).

The examination of the course on Aesthetics includes the verification of the learning of the contents of all the modules that make up the course and takes place in a single exam.

Oral examination. Short texts written or discussed by students are welcome.

A very thorough knowledge of the topics covered in the course, together with high critical analysis and linking skills and a secure command of the specific terminology will be assessed with maximum marks (30-30L).
A thorough knowledge of the topics covered in the course, together with good analytical and critical skills and a secure command of the specific terminology will be assessed with good marks (27-29).
A technically adequate preparation and sufficient analytical capacity, even if not particularly articulate, expressed in correct language, will produce fair marks (23-26).
Sufficient preparation and ability to analyse, expressed in barely formally correct language, will result in a pass (18-22).

Teaching tools

The bibliographies specific to the different parts of the course will be analyzed and acquired during the various lessons, starting with the tools available in the texts indicated in the program. The teaching material presented during the lessons is made available to the student in paper or electronic format via the internet, also following the access restrictions, according to the modalities that will be indicated at the beginning of the course.

Office hours

See the website of Pierpaolo Ascari


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