70087 - Detaildesign for Energy Efficiency

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture (cod. 9265)

Course contents

The learning path includes the analysis of building elements and technologies with reference to work execution issues and from the perspective of process sustainability. The issues of environmental protection and quality of living are increasing their importance in contemporary design.

Specific interrelations between the changing of users' behavior and the evolution of new concepts of living are outlined at brief level, design approach and execution and management level: a very close connection links technological innovation to environment and living conception, therefore an integrated approach is essential.

The exercises to be developed during the course are aimed at exploring the different options related to the characteristics of construction materials and to the expected performance of the system, at assessing the implications of different design choices in relation to energy balance, at checking the interaction between the different design parameters and at understanding how complexity can be managed through an efficient construction process. The course will cover some of the main technological issues that affect the contemporary architecture and specific tools, phases and methods of operational design will be described. Particular attention will be paid to the understanding of the technological choices about energy efficiency from project design to its construction, from its exercise to its maintenance. The keywords for the development of the main issues are: building system, complex process, integrated design, life cycle, energy efficiency.


Basic books

Piraccini S, Vodola V, CINQUE STRADE PER COSTRUIRE UNA PASSIVHAUS, Altralinea editrice, Collana “Edificio costruito”, Firenze, Marzo 2021, pag. 120 ISBN: 979-12-80178-29-9

Piraccini S, COME COSTRUIRE UNA PASSIVE HOUSE IN AREA MEDITERRANEA, Altralinea editrice, Collana “Edificio costruito”, Firenze, Marzo 2018, pag. 256 ISBN: 978-88-94869-31-6

Piraccini S, Fabbri K, BUILDING A PASSIVE HOUSE. THE ARCHITECT’S LOGBOOK, Springer International Publishing Switzerland (2018) pag. 322, ISBN 978-3-319-69937-0, SPRINGER SERIES IN GREEN ENERGY AND TECHNOLOGY ISSN: 1865-3529, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-69938-7


 Boeri A., Criteri di progettazione ambientale, Delfino, Milano 2007.

Imperadori M. (a cura di), La progettazione con tecnologia stratificata a secco, Il Sole-24 Ore, Milano 2006.

Gaspari J., Il progetto dell'involucro efficiente. Soluzioni e stratigrafie per la nuova costruzione e il recupero, Edicom Edizioni, Monfalcone , 2010 .

Gaspari J., Trabucco D., Zannoni G., Involucro edilizio e aspetti di sostenibilità, Franco Angeli, Milano , 2010 .

Kibert C. J., Principles of sustainable construction , in AA.VV., CIB TG 16 , First International Conference On Construction, Center for Construction and Environment, Tampa, Florida, USA , 1994 .

Longo D., Decostruzione e riuso, Alinea, Firenze 2007.

Manfron V., Qualità e affidabilità in edilizia, Franco Angeli, Milano, 1995.

Sinopoli, N., La tecnologia invisibile, Franco Angeli, Milano 1997.

Zambelli E., Vanoncini P.A., Imperadori M., Costruzione stratificata a secco: tecnologie edilizie innovative e metodi per la gestione del progetto, Maggioli, Rimini, 1998.

Teaching methods

The activities of the course will include seminar, lectures and tutorials and will conclude with the final examination. The exercises, to be agreed with the teacher, will consist in the executive planning of a part of a building under study, developing the architectural elements on a detailed scale. Work progress steps will be supervised in the lecture hall, in order to complete the project within the end of the course.

Assessment methods

Learning and exercise progress will be checked in the lecture hall during the course. The individual examination will include verification of the theoretical topics covered in lectures and discussion of the design documents produced during the course.

Teaching tools

Design phases will be supervised and backed by the lecturer. Faculty equipments will be used (overhead projectors, video projectors, data carriers, laboratories). For in-depth studies a specific bibliography will be provide during the course. Part of the teaching material to carry out the design exercises will be available on the Faculty server

Download tools



Office hours

See the website of Stefano Piraccini


Affordable and clean energy Sustainable cities Responsible consumption and production Climate Action

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.