29424 - Seminars (1) (LM) (G. B)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Philology, Literature and Classical Tradition (cod. 9070)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the seminars, students will acquire competences in interpreting specific topics related to philology, literature and history, or necessary to the creation and improvement of their background.

Course contents

This course will guide students towards an in-depth examination of the Linear B texts from Pylos. Philological and epigraphic aspects of the Linear B script and documents will complement the Mycenaean Philology course. Students will gain advanced skills in approaching these texts and translate them with ease. Good knowledge of Classical Greek is required.

The course is articulated in A and B parts.

A. Linear B Inscriptions

The module offers an in-depth analysis of the Linear B texts from the Palace of Nestor at Pylos, through:

  1. Reading exercises of selected series of texts.
  2. Linear B tablet experimentation in class with clay and styli (Linear B Seminar Lab).

B. Individual Directed Study

Each student will be assigned a specific tailor-made research path, which will include:

  1. Two ppt/keynote presentations on specific topics, with an ad hoc bibliography. (Max 30’ for each presentation)
  2. Philological examination of Linear B texts (up to 10 inscriptions), to be presented in class.


Essential Introductions

Linear B

J. Chadwick. 1976. The Decipherment of Linear B. Cambridge. Tradotto in italiano L’enigma della Lineare B.

M. Del Freo, M. Perna. 2016, eds. [http://www.libreriauniversitaria.it/manuale-epigrafia-micenea-introduzione-studio/libro/9788862927161]. 2 volumi, Padova.

Selected texts from

L.Godart, A. Sacconi. 2019-2020. Les archives du roi Nestor. Corpus des inscriptions en linéaire B de Pylos, I-II (Volume I, Séries Aa-Fr; Volume II, Séries Gn-Xn). Roma.

NB: The texts from the new Pylos corpus (Les archives du roi Nestor) will be provided in class or streamed during the class.



Non-attending students must contact the Course Convenor and organise a targeted plan: s.ferrara@unibo.it. The bibliography is the same as per attending students.

Teaching methods

All classes are seminar-based, with direct participation from the students, who will present specific topics and read texts in class.

Assessment methods

Assessment revolves around:

  1. A final oral exam.
  2. Assessment throughout the course on the individual directed study (B above).

Teaching tools

All lectures comprise ppt presentations, during live classes or online. All material will be available online on the e-learning platform IOL.

Office hours

See the website of Silvia Ferrara