39808 - General and Pediatric Nursing (RN)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Imaging and Radiotherapy techniques (cod. 9079)

Learning outcomes

The student learns techniques to monitor vital signs, such asblood pressure, oximetry, ABC, GAS, preparation of infusions, intramuscular, subdermal and IV therapy techniques. Venipuncture procedures for the introduction of contrast media on CT and MRI.

Course contents

- Antisepsis and disinfection: general concepts of disinfection and sterilization

- Prevention of healthcare-associated infections: main pathologies and transmission routes; which precautions and which PPE to use

- Knowledge and management of medical devices: venous catheters, tubes, drainage, bladder catheters.

- Vital Parameters: detection of vital parameters; patient assessment through ABCD and GAS.

- Therapy: correct preparation and administration of pharmacological therapy. Knowledge of the aids for administering the therapy and knowledge of the techniques and routes of administration

- Emergency trolley: knowledge of materials and devices contained, in particular the material for airway management. 

- Management of trauma patients in radiology: knowledge of the main mobilization and immobilization measures

- Emergency situations: early recognition and first intervention in the most frequent health emergencies with particular regard to the care interventions to be implemented in the event of an anaphylactic reaction or convulsions; knowledge of the principles of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation.


L. Sasso, C. Convento, C. Gagliano, A. Bagnasco – SCIENZE INFERMIERISTICHE GENERALI E CLINICHE - Mc Graw hil

Teaching methods

Lessons, projection of audiovisual material, practical exercises.

Assessment methods

To verify learning and knowedge, students will take a final exam to verify the acquisition of skills about patient care in radiology through an oral and practical test. 

The final exam includes 2 written questions on the main topics covered during the lessons, and the execution of one of the techniques performed during the practical exercises.

The test will be evaluated based on the following parameters:

- knowledge and mastery of the contents

- correct execution of techniques according to good practice recommendations.

Office hours

See the website of Chiara Vannini