54593 - Textual Analysis

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Primary Teacher Education (cod. 5711)

    Also valid for Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Primary teacher education (cod. 8540)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student will:

  • Understand the various types of texts (and their respective genres), with a particular focus on distinguishing between continuous texts and mixed texts, original texts and derived texts (translated, adapted, etc.), rigid texts and flexible texts.
  • Possesse the methodological foundations of text analysis and the main technical tools (especially linguistic and rhetorical) useful for analyzing modern and contemporary literary texts (both prose and poetry) and non-literary texts (personal and public; written, oral, or transmitted).
  • Can comprehend the messages conveyed by a text, relate them to the communicative purpose and the context in which the text was produced, and communicate them clearly to child interlocutors, possibly integrating them with the graphic and visual code.
  • Can navigate among the texts used and usable in the educational context, paying particular attention to the variety, gradualness, and verticality of the proposals, as well as linguistic and cultural stereotypes.
  • Can propose vocabulary and grammar pathways (morphology and syntax of simple sentences) based on the text, consistent with the educational objectives outlined in the National Guidelines for Kindergarten and Primary Education.

Course contents

The teaching of ANALISI DEL TESTO is integrated with the course of DIDATTICA DELL'ITALIANO (Prof.ssa Cristiana De Santis). Integral to the course is the attendance of a laboratory chosen from the eight activated. Within the course, some aspects of textual analysis will be addressed, including:

  • Types of texts and their respective genres.
  • Tools for textual analysis applicable to literary and non-literary texts.
  • The selection of readings to be proposed in class, considering the linguistic specificities (and possible difficulties) of the texts.


Students are required to study the following texts:

E. Ardissino (a cura di), Leggere poesia. Proposte didattiche per la scuola primaria, Erickson, 2010, capp. 1 e 2 (25pp.)

E. Ardissino (a cura di), Insegnare e apprendere italiano nella scuola dell'infanzia e primaria, Mondadori, 2017, capp. 1, 2, 4 (47pp)

F. Bosc, Lessico e poesia nella scuola dell’infanzia, in Ead., Poesia, lingua e ascolto. Una nuova didattica per la scuola dell’infanzia, Firenze, Cesati, 2021, pp. 39-64 (25pp.)

L. Chines, C. Varotti, Che cos’è un testo letterario, Roma, Carocci, 2016, capp. 2, 3. (78pp.)

C. Lavinio, Testi a scuola. Tra lingua e letteratura, Firenze, Cesati, 2021, capp. 2, 3 (43 pp.)

M. Prandi, C. De Santis, Manuale di linguistica e di grammatica italiana, UTET, 2019, parte VIII (47pp.)

 Non-attending students are required to study additionally:

E. Ardissino (a cura di), Leggere poesia. Proposte didattiche per la scuola primaria, Erickson, 2010, terza parte (130pp)

Teaching methods

The teaching will be based on frontal lessons in which active student participation will be encouraged. The aim is to build paths of literary education starting from the reading of texts and to practice with the text analysis tools learned during the lessons. Participation in a chosen laboratory (8 hours each) among those activated for the  course of ANALISI DEL TESTO is part of the program.

Each workshop will provide in-depth analysis of the topics covered during the lessons, offering active and ludic methodologies for the development of basic skills in kindergarten and primary school: listening, comprehension, reading, and writing.

Further information about the workshop content is available on the websites of the instructors who will conduct them (Federica Campi Giampieretti, Margherita Ghetti, Silvana Loiero, Alberto Sebastiani, Veronica Ujcich).

Each student will freely choose only one Text Analysis workshop from those available (to which they will add another workshop of their choice for the Italian Teaching module).

Registrations for the workshop can be made through AlmaEsami; the schedules of the meetings are published in "Orario delle lezioni" The evaluation of the workshop, linked to the submission of a final assignment, will be announced by the workshop instructor on their own website's Notices.

Assessment methods

The examination for the ANALISI DEL TESTO module will be written and will consist of the analysis of a short text with open-ended questions (in ninety minutes). The evaluation, expressed in thirtieths, will take into account linguistic correctness and the abilities of synthesis, argumentation, analysis, and didactic mediation. The outcome of the test will not be verbalized: the grade (if accepted) of the written examination (if passed) will be averaged with the oral examination of DIDATTICA DELL'ITALIANO. Final evaluations from the laboratories will also be added.

Teaching tools

The analyzed texts and lecture slides will be made available to students on the virtual platform unibo.it.

Office hours

See the website of Giacomo Ventura