29424 - Seminars (1) (LM) (G. A)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Philosophical Sciences (cod. 8773)

Learning outcomes

The Philosophy Seminars have the specific educational objectives of seminar teaching: (1) to train students in philosophical argumentation by soliciting discussions on themes and texts, even in the original language, presented in meetings with Italian and foreign scholars; (2) broaden and deepen philosophical knowledge through participation in conferences held by specialists from various fields of philosophical knowledge; (3) compare the different methodological approaches to philosophy as a complement to curricular teaching.

Course contents

Universal / Particular

The seminar will take place in the third period (second semester).

It will consist of presentations and discussions of philosophical essays that are ideally linked by reference to the universal/particular polarity.

A large bibliography of texts by leading authors in the contemporary panorama or by classics of the modern and contemporary philosophy will be presented and discussed first. The texts to be examined and presented at subsequent meetings will then be assigned to members, on the basis of a calendar to be agreed collectively.

The main purposes of the seminar work consist, on the one hand, in verifying the aptitude of the individual participants to offer relevant summaries of complex texts and, on the other, in ensuring that the entire group of members actively engage in the interpretation and in the critical confrontation.

The seminar calendar will be published in the section News of this web page.


Given that the bibliography will also be defined on the basis of the number of subscribers and in the light of the discussion that the seminar will lead in the first meeting, a list of works likely to be the subject of individual and group work is provided below (by way of example):

Andrew B. Schoedinger (ed.), The Problem of Universals, Humanities Press, New Jersey-London 1992

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Discorso sull'origine e i fondamenti della disuguaglianza tra gli uomini (1755), Feltrinelli, Milano 2014

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Il contratto sociale (1762), Feltrinelli, Milano 2014

Immanuel Kant, Fondazione della metafisica dei costumi (1785), Laterza, Roma-Bari 1997

G.W. Friedrich Hegel, Lezioni sulla filosofia della storia (1827-30), Laterza, Roma-Bari 2010

Ferdinand Tönnies, Comunità e società (1887), Laterza, Roma-Bari 2011

Walter Benjamin, Sul concetto di storia (1940), a cura di G. Bonola e M. Ranchetti, Einaudi, Torino 1997

Jean-Paul Sartre, L'antisemitismo: riflessioni sulla questione ebraica (1946), SE, Milano 2015

Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Le avventure della dialettica (1955), Mimesis, Milano 2009

Carla Lonzi, Sputiamo su Hegel (1970), La Tartaruga, Milano 2023

Karl-Otto Apel, Comunità e comunicazione (1973), Rosenberg & Sellier, Torino 1977

Christopher Lasch, Rifugio in un mondo senza cuore. La famiglia in stato d’assedio (1977), Bompiani, Milano 1995

Edward W. Said, Orientalismo. L'immagine europea dell'Oriente (1978), Feltrinelli, Milano 2013

Alasdair MacIntyre, Dopo la virtù. Saggio di teoria morale (1981), Armando, Roma 2007

Michael Sandel, Il liberalismo e i limiti della giustizia (1982), Feltrinelli, Milano 1994

Thomas Nagel, Uno sguardo da nessun luogo (1986), Il Saggiatore, Milano 1988

Karl-Otto Apel, Etica della comunicazione (1988), Jaca Book, Milano 1992

Karl-Otto Apel, Discorso, verità, responsabilità (1989), Guerini, Milano 1997

Gilbert Simondon, L’individuazione psichica e collettiva (1989), DeriveApprodi, Roma 2001

Charles Taylor, Radici dell'io (1989), Feltrinelli, Milano 1993

Serge Latouche, L'occidentalizzazione del mondo (1989), Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 1992

John Rawls, Liberalismo politico (1993), Einaudi, Torino 2012

Michael Walzer, Geografia della morale. Democrazia, tradizioni e universalismo (1994), Dedalo, Bari 1999

Serge Latouche, Il pianeta uniforme. Significato, portata e limiti dell'occidentalizzazione del mondo, Paravia/Scriptorium, Torino 1997

Jürgen Habermas, Morale diritto politica, Ed. Comunità, Torino 2001

Serge Latouche, La fine del sogno occidentale. Saggio sull'americanizzazione del mondo (2000), Eleuthera, Milano 2002

Serge Latouche, Il ritorno dell'etnocentrismo, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, 2003

Immanuel Wallerstein, La retorica del potere. Critica dell'universalismo europeo (2006), Fazi, Roma 2007

Ronald Dworkin, Giustizia per i ricci (2011), Feltrinelli, Milano 2013

Ernesto Laclau, Emancipazione/i, Orthotes, Nocera Inferiore 2012 (di questo libro un estratto è disponibile online alla pagina: https://www.orthotes.com/universalismo-particolarismo/)

Rino Genovese, Un illuminismo autocritico. La tribù occidentale e il caos planetario, Rosenberg & Sellier, Torino 2013

Alberto Burgio, Critica della ragione razzista, DeriveApprodi, Roma 2020

Teaching methods

The seminar will provide ample opportunities for discussion and comparison at the end of the speech offered by the individual speakers.

Assessment methods

The suitability of attending students will be ascertained on the basis of the quality of the interventions carried out in the course of individual and group work.

Students with disabilities and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)Students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders have the right to special accommodations according to their condition, following an assessment by the Service for Students with Disabilities and SLD. Please do not contact the teacher but get in touch with the Service directly to schedule an appointment. It will be the responsibility of the Service to determine the appropriate adaptations. For more information, visit the page:


Teaching tools

Texts and any materials produced by the speakers.

Office hours

See the website of Alberto Burgio


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