27928 - Laboratory (1) (LM) (G.A)

Academic Year 2023/2024

Course contents

Bridges that divide

Bridges were created to unite, but they can also divide. At a time when there is renewed talk of building the Bridge over the Strait to unite two portions of territory, in actuality Italian society is increasingly divided over political, social, economic and cultural issues. The policies of welcoming and integration are being blocked in favor of rejecting migrants and marginalizing those who successfully arrive in Italy. Do we build bridges to unite or to divide?

The narrative exercises of the Intercultural Writing Workshop therefore want to respond to the need to keep open and active those paths of dialogue and exchange, beyond all barriers, and offer themselves as a place to experiment with new meticulous communities, through the shared development of stories, tales, narratives to overcome the negative stereotypes of the epic of migration, even within national spaces, which involve the whole of humanity from the beginning. In fact, collective writing is essential to allow the sharing of very different life experiences and to give a coherent narrative form to this sharing, learning to cooperate to amalgamate different points of view. In addition, the workshop offers the opportunity to interact with Italian students, international students and students seeking asylum accepted by Unibo, comparing different experiences of study and mobility.


Reading lists and other relevant material concerning both interculturalism and the creative writing exercises will be pointed out and used during the workshop.

Teaching methods

The workshop consists of 10 meetings (4 hours each).

In-between each meeting, students will have time to edit and finalize the texts elaborated in class according to a shared timetable.

This is the schedule:

12 february / 19 february / 26 february / 4 march

18 march / 25 march / 8 april / 15 april

6 may / 13 may

The workshop aims to develop collective writing, issuing in its turn from the contact between native identities and foreign cultures. Therefore, the 40 participants will be selected by taking into account their native culture and language, as well as their proficiency in written Italian.

Students should apply starting from 2-28 January 2024 through the website https://eventi.unibo.it/laboratorio-scrittura-interculturale . In their CV, students are required to detail their previous experiences in the field of creative writing and their ongoing interest in the topic of migration.

Assessment methods

The purpose of the workshop is to create intercultural short stories characterized by high standards in terms of both content and form. These short stories will then be collected and published on the Eks&Tra website.

The volumes containing the texts developed in recent editions of the workshop are freely available as e-pubs or pdfs on the following website: www.eksetra.net.

Documented attendance is mandatory for students enrolled in the following degree programs: Italianistica, Culture Letterarie Europee, Scienze Linguistiche of the Scuola di Lettere e Beni culturali, 27928 - LABORATORIO (1) (LM) (G.A) and 73097 - LABORATORIO DI SCRITTURA (1) (LM) for students of Italian Studies as well as for all the students incorporating the workshop into their academic curriculum. Completion of the workshop grants 6 CFUs.

For students attending the Corso di Laurea Magistrale di Lingua e Cultura italiana per stranieri of the Scuola di Lingue e Letterature, the workshop will be considered as 28929 - SOCIOLOGIA DELLA LETTERATURA (1) (LM). In this case, the completion of the workshop grants 3 CFUs.

The final evaluation and the CFUs will be assigned following the student’s attendance of all the meetings and a detailed assessment of his/her written production.

Teaching tools

The Intercultural Creative Writing Workshop is a collaborative project organised by the Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica of the Università di Bologna and the Associazione Eks&Tra. Its aim is to offer applicable knowledge for an evolving citizenry.

After a general introduction on the key principles of narratology, students – divided into groups – will focus on the development of an original short story. Great attention will be paid to the analysis of the plot, as well as of the style and language used.

The meetings are intended to stimulate conversation and collective creativity, thereby facilitating encounters and mutual “contamination” through narratives which explore crosscutting themes and current issues. The workshop seeks to promote collaboration between different voices willing to open themselves to the perspective of people coming from other countries and to exchange those perspectives with their own in order to build possible roads to a multicultural future. By renouncing a single point of view, it is possible to understand and appreciate different attitudes, thus spurring a clever imaginative flexibility when practicing interculturalism.

Office hours

See the website of Filippo Milani


Quality education Gender equality Reduced inequalities Sustainable cities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.