85059 - Biochemistry

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Speech and Language Therapy (cod. 9080)

Learning outcomes

Students will learn the main bases of Chemistry and General Biochemistry and then learn about the main biochemical processes in human cells and organs.

Course contents

Introduction to the study of Biochemistry. Recall the main knowledge of Chemistry: atoms and molecules at the bais of biological macromolecules. Periodic table of elements; chemical bonds and weak interactions between atoms and molecules; water as solvent. Chemical reactions, pH, buffers. Main organic molecules of interest in Biochemistry.  

Structure and categories of the a-amminoacids.

Proteins: functions, levels of structural organization of the polypeptide chain. Fibrous (collagene) and globular (hemoglobin) proteins. Protein denaturation.

Enzymes categories; apoenzymes; cofactors; coenzymes. Kinetics of biological reactions. Transition state and a few words on the principles of the enzyme catalysis.

Catabolism and anabiolism. Free energy and reversibility of the reactions. ATP as the "energy money" of the cell and the energy coupling. NAD and FAD as vitamin's derivative cofactors.

Few words on the glucose metabolism. Full (i.e. to CO2 and H2O in mitochondria) and partial oxidation of glucose (fermentation).


M Stefani e N Taddei: Chimica, biochimica e biologia applicata-terza edizione (Ed Zanichelli).

DL. Nelson e MM. Cox : Introduzione alla Biochimica di Lehninger- settima edizione (ed. Zanichelli).


Teaching methods

Lectures with active involvment of the students

Assessment methods

To be defined

Teaching tools

Slides of the lectures and short movies links will be provided

Office hours

See the website of Giancarlo Solaini