75896 - Christianity and Cultural Heritage

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Library and Archive Science (cod. 9077)

Learning outcomes

The course analyses how the Christian Churches have determined and influenced the constitution and transmission of a huge cultural heritage that requires protection, conservation and enhancement: the student knows how to recognize and critically analyse the close relationships existing between Christianity and cultural heritage and he/she has an adequate knowledge of the archival-documentary heritage of the Churches themselves. At the end of the course the student is able to recognize in Christian buildings of worship the peculiar characters of the images whose meaning transcends the mere artistic dimension. Furthermore, the student is able to appreciate its production techniques, ornamental and liturgical functions within the framework of the cultural and social history of European civilization.

Course contents

The course, through thematic paths and analysis of concrete examples, analyzes how the Christian churches in modern and contemporary age have determined and influenced the constitution, transmission, protection and enhancement of a vast cultural, artistic, monumental and, above all, library-documentary heritage . Particular attention will be focus on the thinking about: 1) The value and role of cultural heritage for Christian Churches 2) The role of religious orders in the creation, protection and transmission of documentary and library heritage. The archive of a religious Order 4) Women's and women's books. 5) The value and role of Christian Churches and collaboration with International Organizations for the Protection of Cultural Heritage. Attending and non-attending students will agree with the teacher -in class or during the office hours- the exam program taking into account the proposed bibliography and the lessons developed in class.

For non-attending students, an online meeting will be held in which the aims and program of the course will be illustrated on 4 October at 7.00 pm. Interested students are asked to contact the teacher via email who will send them the Teams link of the meeting.



A) Manuals and General reference texts:

G.L.Podestà- G.Vian, Storia del Cristianesimo, Il Mulino, Bologna. (Edizione del 2010: pp. 273-378 e pp. 433-455. Edizione del 2014: pp. 323-418 e pp. 483-515)

-Jörg Ernesti, Le Chiese cristiane. Identità ed evoluzione storica, 2012

Giulio Volpe, Manuale di diritto dei beni culturali: storia ed attualità, Cedam, Padova 2013. (Cap. I e II) 

Enchiridion dei Beni Culturali della Chiesa. Documenti ufficiali della Pontificia Commissione per i Beni Culturali della Chiesa , EDB, Bologna 2002. (Introduzione)

Angelo Turchini, Archivi della Chiesa e archivistica, Editrice la Scuola, 2011. (Introduzione)

B) In-depth texts

-Andrea Emiliani, Leggi, bandi e provvedimenti per la tutela dei Beni Artistici e Culturali negli antichi stati italiani, 1571-1860, Rapporto Nuova Alfa Editori, Bologna 1996.

Le conseguenze sugli archivi ecclesiastici del processo di unificazione nazionale: soppressioni, concentrazioni, dispersioni, a cura di Gilberto Zacchè, Centro Studi nazionale sugli archivi ecclesiastici di Fiorano e Ravenna, Mucchi Editore, 2012.

M. C. Giannini, M. Sanfilippo, Gli archivi per la storia degli ordini religiosi, I, Fonti e problemi (secoli XVI-XIX), Viterbo, Sette Città, 2007.

I-l Museo Universale. Dal sogno di Napoleone a Canova, Skira, Milano 2016.

-Iglesia memorable. Crónicas, historias, escritos...a mayor gloria. Siglos XVI-XVIII, Ángela Atienza López (ed), Silex, Madrid, 2012.

-Libri, biblioteche e cultura degli Ordini regolari nell'Italia moderna attraverso la documentazione della Congregazione dell'indice. Atti del Convegno internazionale , Macerata, 30 maggio-1 giugno 2006, Università degli studi di Macerata, Dipartimento di scienze storiche, documentarie, artistiche e del territorio. A cura di R. M. Borraccini - R. Rusconi, Biblioteca apostolica Vaticana, Città del Vaticano 2006.

-Vite consacrate: gli archivi delle organizzazioni religiose femminili. Atti dei convegni di Spezzano, 20 settembre 2006 e di Ravenna, 28 settembre 2006. A cura di E. Angiolini, Mucchi, Modena 2007.

-Attraverso il tempo: Teresa di Gesù, la parola, il modello, l’eredità, a c. E. Marchetti, Longo 2017.

-I viaggi dell'anima. Società, Culture, Heritage e Turismo, a cura di F. Dallari, A. Trono, E. Zabbini, Patron, Bologna 2009.

-E. Lamalle S.J., L'archivio di un grande Ordine religioso. L'Archivio Generale della Compagnia di Gesù, in Archiva Ecclesiae - Anni XXIV-XXV - 1 -1981-1982 Scaricabile da http://www.sjweb.info/arsi/documents/Lamalle.pdf

-Per lettera. La scrittura epistolare femminile tra archivio e tipografia secoli XV-XVII, a cura di Gabriella Zarri, Roma, Viella, 1999

-Dolce dono graditissimo. La lettera privata dal Settecento al Novecento, a cura di M.L. Betri, D. Maldini Chiarito, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2003

-A. Valerio, Leopoldina Naudet, L'epistolario (1799-1834), 4 volumi, Gabrielli Editori, S. Pietro in Cariano, 2016-2018.

A. Valerio, Leopoldina Naudet, L’Amicizia Cristiana e la Bibbia: l’influenza dei gesuiti nell’apostolato del libro, in Archivum Historicum S.J., 2015 (1)

Archivio e Biblioteca Leopoldina Naudet, Verona, in Conoscere, conservare, valorizzare il patrimonio culturale religioso, a cura di O. Niglio e C. Visentin, vol. 3, Archivi, biblioteche, musei, Roma, Aracne Editrice, 2017.

Fernando e Gioia Lanzi, Pellegrinaggi e santuari cristiani nel mondo, Jaca Book, 2005

Giorgia Severi, Sacred forest, 2022

Specific bibliography will be indicated at the beginning of the course and during lessons

Teaching methods

Throughout the course, the professor, in addition to the front lessons, will use: the analysis of texts - which will be provided to the students; Projection of images and other audio-visual material; Guided tours and interdisciplinary meetings and seminars on topics related to lessons.

Assessment methods

Attending and Non-Attendig Students:

  1. - A) Manuals and General reference texts
  2. - Students will agree with the teacher -in class or during the office hours:
  • Attending Students: n. 1 texts from B) In-depth texts
  • Non-Attendig Students: n.2 texts from B) In-depth texts

The exam consists of an oral interview to be held at the end of the lessons. It will be divided into questions that will cover the themes in depth through the materials presented and discussed in class. The final evaluation will also take account of the student's interventions during lectures, attendance at seminars and conferences organized or instructed by the professor.

For the purposes of passing the exam, the student must demonstrate that he has understood the main topics discussed during the course; the student will have to demonstrate in depth and critical the various themes by making the appropriate connections. The students will agree with the professor about the exam and, in particular, about the topic and the readings they intend to deepen.

Marks will be evaluated according following criteria:

The critical knowledge will be evaluated very positive or positive the student's ability to demonstrate the acquired knowledge in a personal and critical way, using an appropriate language.

More than sufficient will be evaluated the mnemonic knowledge, expressed with conciveness, in a correct language but not very appropriate.

Sufficient will be evaluated the basic knowledge expressed with inappropriate language.

Insufficient will be evaluated the incomplete knowledge of the readings, the incorrect and inappropriate language, the inability to manage bibliographies and texts analized during the lessons.









Teaching tools

The front lesson will be supported and completed by reading and commenting on sources, provided in a photocopy lesson; From the vision and commentary of audiovisual material. Guided visits to archives and exhibitions are also provided in collaboration with other Courses.

Students with disabilities or specific learning disorders (DSA) needing compensatory tools will be able to communicate their needs to the Teacher in order to be addressed to the referents and agree on the adoption of the most appropriate measures.


Office hours

See the website of Elisabetta Marchetti


Good health and well-being Quality education Gender equality

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.