00870 - Social Psychology

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Educator in Childhood Social Services (cod. 9083)

Course contents

The program will present the study social psychology, declined in its general aspects and some of its specific forms applied to gender, sexual orientation and social class.

In fact, this discipline represents an important tool for interpreting reality for anyone who wants to understand societies and relationships between groups, including in educational and health contexts.

The topics covered are aimed at the formation of skills that will be used to better perform one's profession, manage a group, deconstruct prejudices, know how to communicate and mediate conflicts.

The course will include the presentation of the classic topics of the discipline-history, self and identity, attitudes, prejudices and stereotypes, aggression-but also topics related to phenomena such as social exclusion, interculturality, prejudice formation in minors, identity, intersectionality, and the professionalism of teachers who daily face the educational challenge with minors and adolescents.


Please contact the professor to construct a relevant bibliography in English.

Teaching methods

Lectures are face-to-face with moments of discussion and viewings of both pop and scientific material to situate the subject with social realities.

The lecturer promotes the active involvement of students in the classroom, questions and issues that may arise facilitate both individual study and group reflections. The subject of Social Psychology is, of course, recommended to be studied in groups.

Assessment methods

The examination is conducted in written form and is graded in thirtieths.

There are 4 open questions (2 hours) on the topics covered in the texts and aimed at assessing not only the theoretical knowledge acquired during the course, but also skills such as accuracy of psychological terminology, ability to describe experiments and theories, clarity of exposition and critical sense.

It might be possibile, within negotiations in the classroom, a planning of mid-curriculum exam.

Teaching tools

Slides will be presented during the lectures, which will not be provided to those who are students.

In fact, please note that the lecture material presented in class is not a substitute for the reference texts but supplementary to them, and is a guide for selecting and understanding the topics to be covered.

Links to further study material, video essays, etc. etc. will be provided.

Any student cans suggest relevant materials to add to the list.

Office hours

See the website of Aurelio Castro