28633 - Electrotechnics T-A

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering (cod. 9065)

Learning outcomes

Knowledge of dynamic and non dynamic circuits. Ability to analyze circuits operating in DC and AC regimes and during transients.

Course contents

1. Definitions and Kirchhoff's Laws

2. Graphs and topological properties

3. Non-dynamic components

4. Solution of non-dynamic circuits

5. Non-dynamic two-port

6. Methods of solution of the circuits

7. Properties of linear non-dynamic circuits

8. Introduction to non-linear non-dynamic circuits

9. Dynamic circuits

10. Circuits in AC regime

11. Three-phase systems


Matthew Sadiku,‎ Charles Alexander, "Fundamentals Of Electric Circuits, 5th Edition, 2013, McGraw-Hil, ISBN 978-0-07-338057-5

Teaching methods

Powerpoint presentations and blackboard lessons

Solution of exercises and problems

Assessment methods

A written test

Teaching tools

Support material written by the Professor is available

Office hours

See the website of Antonio Morandi