90971 - Technical Sciences of Radiological Imaging in Densitometry and Odontostomatology (BO)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Imaging and Radiotherapy techniques (cod. 9079)

Learning outcomes

The student acquires the techniques for the radiographic study of the dental system: intraoral and extraoral technique, projections and correctness criteria. Use of the OPT device (orthopantomograph) for the study of the dental apparatus and for the cephalometric study in teleradiography. Orthodontic indications and dental skeletal class evaluations. Communication and radiation protection necessary in the pediatric field. The TMJ study (temporomandibular joint): techniques and X-ray projections and correctness criteria

Course contents

X-ray dental apparatus: intraoral and extraoral technique , Anatomy, projections and criteria of correctness.

study of temporo mandibular joint.


"Atlante di tecnica radiologica generale e dello scheletro" A.Trenta,A.Corinaldesi,P.Sassi, C. Pecunia

Teaching methods

face-to-face lessons

Assessment methods

oral exam

Teaching tools

powerpoint presentations, pdf files

Office hours

See the website of Letizia Cesari