90970 - Technical Sciences of Abdomen and Thorax Radiological Imaging with and without contrast medium (RN)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Imaging and Radiotherapy techniques (cod. 9079)

Learning outcomes

At the end of this module, student acquires the techniques for the radiological study of the apparatuses with and without MDC.

Course contents

II° SEMESTER ( from 18th March '23  to 21st April '245).

Radiological imaging techniques of the chest: standard and special projections for collaborating and non-co-operative patients, emergency rooms, outpatients, wards for adults. Outline of pediatric chest radiological imaging techniques

Radiological imaging techniques of abdomen: standard and special projections for collaborating and non-co-operative patients, emergency rooms, outpatients, wards for adults. Outline of pediatric abdomen radiological imaging techniques

Radiological imaging techniques of the pelvis.

Radiological imaging techniques of the shoulder.

Natural and artificial contrast media used for diagnostic purposes in the human body.

Radiological imaging techniques of the digestive system: first pathways, esophagus, stomach, barium enema, defecography and fistulography with single baritized contrast, baritized double contrast and water-soluble contrast.

Radiological imaging techniques of swallowing and salivary glands. Radiological imaging techniques of biliary tract: intraoperative cholangiography, post-operative, cutaneous cholangiography and ERCP. Historical notes on cholecystography for OS and intravenous cholangiography.

Radiological imaging techniques of the urinary system: descending urography, cystography, retrograde cistouretrography, ascending pyelography with organo-iodate contrast medium.

Radiological imaging techniques of the female reproductive system: isperosalpingography. Historical notes on radiographic techniques for the study of male reproductive tract. Historical note on radiological imaging techniques of male reproductive system. 



Merrill's Atlas of Radiographic Positioning and Procedures 12th Edition - Authors Eugene Frank, Bruce Long, and Barbara Smith – 3 volumi
Atlante di tecnica radiologica generale e dello scheletro A. Trenta - A. Corinaldesi - P. Sassi - C. Pecunia

Lesson slides will be delivered.

Teaching methods

Frontal lesson and technical discussion of radiograms on diaphanoscope. Clinical case simulations.

Assessment methods

WRITTEN EXAMINATION: evaluation in 30mi preparatory to the oral exam. Duration 1 hour with 3 open questions.

ORAL EXAMINATION: evaluation in 30mi with technical discussion of diaphragm examinations.

Teaching tools

PC, video projector, dummy and diaphanoscope.

Office hours

See the website of Emanuele Staccioli