78952 - Internship I (BO)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Imaging and Radiotherapy techniques (cod. 9079)

Learning outcomes

To acquire a behavior consistent with ethical principles and with reference to the contents of the Code of Conduct.

• To acquire the preparation for a proper taking care of the patient and a proper relationship with family members and tutors.

• To acquire a correct behavior with the staff of the Unit of the team, participating in the work environment.

• To demonstrate availability in learning, commitment and continuity in training.

• To be able to act on the basis of a critical and reflexive behavior to take account of the Code of Conduct, rules of conduct and legal references.

• Positive attitude and responsible for own learning .

Course contents

Knowledge of equipment used in conventional radiology.

• Proper use of equipment and related accessories according to the survey request.

• Knowledge of quality control for daily and periodic equipment rad. conventional.

• Knowledge of PPE and accessories suitable for radiation protection.

• Knowledge of radiological RIS- PACS information systems and ability to use them during radiological investigation.

Traditional radiological study :

• Appropriate knowledge to perform autonomously diagnostic investigations in conventional radiology with and without the use of MDC.



Manuale di Tc per TSRM, Golfieri, Trenti, Maccione

Poletto editore

Teaching methods

Assessment methods

Internship during : 13 weeks

equal to 15 CFU

Educational lab (20 hours)

equal to 1 CFU

preparatory to first year internship examination

100 % compulsory attendance

General objectives are detailed in the activities contained in the specific contracts:

• Traditional Radiology

• Senology

Teaching tools

A preparatory laboratory has been created for the internship activities, useful for putting into practice the theoretical notions acquired during the lessons and being able to recognize the whole process and activities in the patient's diagnostic path.

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Rossella Trenti