90961 - Radiographic Anatomy in Neuroradiology

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Imaging and Radiotherapy techniques (cod. 9079)

Learning outcomes

The students acquire knowledge about the equipment used, in collaboration with other healthcare professionals, for the Rx technique in Neuroradiology. Additionally, they develop the ability to recognize both normal and pathological neuroradiological neuroanatomy.

Course contents

Anatomy of the central nervous system

Anatomy and anatomical variations of the cerebrovascular system

Anatomy of the maxillofacial bones, orbits, and ear.


Atlante di Anatomia Radiologica Cranio Encefalica - Estratto (Idelson Gnocchi)

Teaching methods

Frontal lectures using PowerPoint presentations employing tutorial approaches and problem-solving techniques.

Assessment methods

The assessment of learning occurs through a final exam that verifies the acquisition of expected knowledge and skills via a written test comprising multiple-choice questions (or open-ended questions on topics relevant to the main objectives of the course).

Office hours

See the website of Gianfranco Vornetti