90625 - Baroque Art in Europe (1) (LM)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Docente: Andrea Bacchi
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: L-ART/02
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Visual Arts (cod. 9071)

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, students will possess historical and artistic knowledge of themes, exponents and historical events of European baroque art from the 17th to the 18th Century. In particular students will master the tools and skills to read the artworks from a formal stylistic, iconographic and technical point of view, and will be able to understand the relationship between the historical, social, religious and cultural context in which it was produced.

Course contents

The course will analyse painting and sculpture in comparison in early 18th century Rome


The program for non-attending students does not require any integration as the lack of attendance requires a greater commitment in individual work.


General texts

Antonia Nava Cellini, La scultura del Settecento, UTET, Torino 1982 (solo il capitolo dedicato alla scultura a Roma nel primo Settecento, pp. 5-43)

Rudolf Wittkower, Arte e architettura in Italia. 1600-1750 (1958), Einaudi, Torino 1993 (only the parts relating to the 18th century in Rome, pp. 311-331; 381-389, 404-408)

Painting and Architecture in 18th-century Rome

Giuliano Briganti, Premessa, in La Pittura in Italia. Il Settecento, Electa, Milano 1990, pp. 9-14

Jennifer Montagu, Carlo Maratti e la scultura, in Maratti e l’Europa, a cura di Liliana Barroero, Simonetta Prosperi Valenti Rodinò, Sebastian Schütze, Campisano, Roma 2015, pp. 53-66

Liliana Barroero, La pittura a Roma nel Settecento (solo la parte da Clemente XI a Benedetto XIV), in La Pittura in Italia. Il Settecento, Electa, Milano 1990, pp. 383-410, 453-456

Sculpture in Rome

Jennifer Montagu, La prima metà del secolo, in Il Settecento a Roma, catalogo della mostra, a cura di Anna Lo Bianco, Angela Negro, Silvana Editoriale, Cinisello Balsamo 2005, pp. 35-41

L’altare di Sant’Ignazio nella chiesa del Gesù, in Mirabili disinganni. Andrea Pozzo (Trento 1642-Vienna 1709). Pittore e architetto gesuita, catalogo della mostra a cura di Richard Bösel, Lydia Salviucci Insolera, Artemide, Roma 2010, pp. 137-145

Michael Conforti, Planning the Lateran Apostles, in Studies in Italian Art and Architecture, American Academy in Rome, Rome1980, pp. 243-260

Francis Haskell, Pierre Legros and a Statue of the Blessed Stanislas Kostka, in ‘The Burlington magazine’, XCVII, 1955, pp. 287-291

Gerhard Bissel, A ‘dialogue’ between sculptor and architect: the statue of S.Filippo Neri in the Cappella Antamori, in The sculpted object 1400-1700, edited by Stuart Currie, Peta Motture, Scolar Press, Cambridge 1997, pp. 221-237

Andrea Bacchi, Angelo de Rossi, in Art in Rome in the Eighteenth Century, catalogo della mostra a cura di Edgar Peters Bowron, Joseph Rishel, The Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia 2000, pp. 277-278

Andrea Bacchi, Pierre Etienne Monnot. Ein Bildhauer der Spätbarock in Rom und Europa (Pierre Etienne Monnot. Uno scultore tardobarocco tra Roma e l’Europa), in Das Marmorbad in der Kasseler Karlsaue, a cura di Karlheinz W. Kopanski, Karl Weber, Schnell&Steiner, Regensburg 2003, pp. 135-158

Andrea Bacchi, “la Giuditta con la testa di Oloferne” di Agostino Cornacchini, Sascha Mehringer, München 2010

Hugh Honour, Filippo della Valle, in ‘Connoisseur’ 1959, pp. 172-179

Annelise Desmas, Un exemple: le tombeau du marquis Capponi par Slodtz, in Le Ciseau et la Tiare. Les sculpteurs dans la Rome des papes 1724-1758, École française de Rome, Roma 2012, pp. 211-214, 391-394

Teaching methods

Frontal lectures with the help of image projection.

Educational trip to Rome

Assessment methods

The final exam will be held in the form of an interview. It will focus on the texts indicated in the bibliography and will develop from the analysis of some images, subject of the course, to evaluate the acquisition of the fundamentals related to the topics discussed and the critical and methodological skills developed by the student. Particular attention should therefore be paid to teaching materials downloadable on AMS Campus integrating the bibliography.

Teaching tools

Frontal lectures with the help of image projection.

Office hours

See the website of Andrea Bacchi


Quality education Gender equality

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.