- Docente: Marco Orlando Mantovani
- Credits: 6
- SSD: IUS/17
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Marco Orlando Mantovani (Modulo 1) Rebecca Girani (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Sociology and Social Work (cod. 8786)
from Feb 19, 2024 to Mar 25, 2024
from Apr 04, 2024 to May 23, 2024
Learning outcomes
The course intends to illustrate the constitutional principles and the fundamental notions of criminal law, the structure of the main institutions of the code and the categories of the General part. At the end of the course the student knows the notion and structure of the crime, the forms of manifestation of the offence and the fundamental traits of the sanctionary system. The course also aims to illustrate the lines of the criminal trial. At the end of the course the student knows the general profiles and the fundamental principles of the criminal trial.
Course contents
The course aims to provide students with the essential basis for an adequate knowledge of the "General part" of criminal law, to be tested and examined in comparison with single cases of the special part that will be taken individually in consideration .
First of all the constitutional principles will be illustrated in criminal matters, giving priority to those on the subject of legality, non-retroactivity, peremptoriness, guilt, assessing the degree of penetration and consolidation in ordinary legislation and the Constitutional jurisprudence.
We will then proceed to the analysis of the crime according to the scheme proposed by the theory "Tripartite ", that is to say breaking in the elements of the typical, the illegality and the guilt.
Specific attention will then be reserved to the discipline of the attempt and the parties to crime, as this represents the expression of fundamental choices of the different criminal systems in force.
In agreement with the attendees, will be identified individual cases of special part to be subjected to specific examination will be identified by reason of their actuality and/or congruence with the objectives of the course
In addition to the material--articles and judgments--indicated in class, for the frequenting is required the knowledge of G. NEPPI MODONA--D. PETRINI--B. GIORS, Diritto penale e servizio sociale, Giappichelli, Torino, last edition, except the parts specified in class.
For non-attending is required the knowledge of G. NEPPI MODONA --D. PETRINI--B. GIORS, Diritto penale e servizio sociale, Giappichelli, Torino, last edition, in full.
It is also prescribed for all the availability of an updated edition of the Penal Code and the complementary laws.
Teaching methods
For the attendees, seminars will be organized, the subject and the date of which will be communicated in advance to lecture.
Assessment methods
Oral exam
Teaching tools
The materials recalled during the lessons will be provided in the course of the same.
The projected slides will be distributed at the end of the course.
Office hours
See the website of Marco Orlando Mantovani
See the website of Rebecca Girani

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.