- Docente: Paola Parmiggiani
- Credits: 8
- SSD: SPS/08
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Sociology and Social Work (cod. 8786)
from Feb 27, 2024 to May 08, 2024
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student: - should acquire a basic knowledge about Social and public utility communication and its development in our country; should know and can properly use the languages and tools of Social communication; - should know and can properly use the techniques for the effectiveness evaluation of a social communications campaign.
Course contents
The course analyzes the development of social communication in Italy, focusing on the variety of actors, objects and tools concerning the field of social communication processes. Starting from empirical case studies in different social fields (gender violence, health prevention, addictions, humanitarian crises, discrimination based on sex, age, ability, ethnicity, ...), we will thoroughly analyse the differences among social messages which come from public institutions, third sector and private companies and corporations. One module will be dedicated to the analysis of the social representation of migrants, at the center of a lively sociological debate. Finally, specific attention will be devoted to the analysis of the impact evaluation processes within the social communication field.
Classes will be held in the second semester.Readings/Bibliography
Studenti frequentanti:
- Dispensa "Soggetti, strumenti e stili della comunicazione sociale" (materiale scaricabile su Virtuale - Materiale didattico dell'insegnamento).
- Musarò P., Parmiggiani P. (2022), L’ospitalità mediatica. Le migrazioni nel discorso pubblico, Franco Angeli, Milano, volume open access (https://series.francoangeli.it/index.php/oa/catalog/book/791)
studenti non frequentanti:
- La Rocca G., Percorsi di comunicazione sociale. Teorie, strumenti, idee, Carocci, Roma, 2015.
- Musarò P., Parmiggiani P, Ospitalità mediatica. Le migrazioni nel discorso pubblico, Franco Angeli, Milano, volume open access (https://series.francoangeli.it/index.php/oa/catalog/book/791)
Teaching methods
Lectures including moments of discussion and comparison with the students. The frontal lessons are also complemented by seminars with the participation of external guests who will present social communication experiences in areas of social worker's intervention such as: immigration, violence against women, dependencies, ...
Assessment methods
The verification of the learning will take place through an individual oral interview based on the reference texts for the examination, aimed at assessing both the learning of the contents by the student and his ability to rework and argumentation.
It is also possible to present a working paper, on a theme agreed with the teacher, to be discussed during the final exam.
It will produce excellent valuations: the ability to deepen and put into connection with each other the main issues addressed in the course; the use of appropriate language with the specific nature of the discipline. It will produce discrete valuations: mnemonic knowledge of contents and partial ability to link the themes covered; the use of appropriate language. It will produce sufficient valuations: a minimal body of knowledge on the topics covered; the use of inappropriate language. It will produce negative valuations: lack of guidance within the themes addressed in the exam readings and training gaps; the use of inappropriate language.
Teaching tools
Slide, videos, external guests.
Office hours
See the website of Paola Parmiggiani

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.