72460 - Medieval and Humanistic Literature and Philology (1) (LM)

Academic Year 2023/2024

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course students will have a comprehensive knowledge of the various aspects involved in the study of medioeval and humanistic philology: the complex relationship between the humanists and the classical tradition; the humanistic philology as a fundamental basis of the knowledge of modernity; the situation of the existent editions and the evolution of the philological criteria with the inclusion of the new technological tools. The student will also be able to make clear the relations between this discipline and others like the Italian philology and the Italian literature.

Course contents

Humanistic literature between philology and poetry from Petrarch to Bembo

The course is another element of the diptych of teaching ITALIAN MEDIEVAL AND HUMANISTIC LITERATURE AND PHILOLOGY, alongside ITALIAN MEDIEVAL LITERATURE (prof. Marco Veglia), in a path that offers students the keys to understanding the broad horizon of our literature between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries. The first part of the course will be aimed at grasping the philological and literary dialogue that Petrarch and Boccaccio readers and exegetes establish with the classics of Latinity starting from the manuscripts they own and/or annotate; the second part will instead be aimed at highlighting particular fourteenth and sixteenth-century paths of philology, including emendations, editions, and commentaries on the classics, concerning the creative literature in Latin and the vernacular of the authors/readers/exegetes.


Mandatory texts:

- F. Rico, Ritratti allo specchio: Boccaccio, Petrarca, Antenore, 2012;

- L. Chines, Filigrane. Nuovi tasselli per Petrarca e Boccaccio, Roma-Padova, Antenore-Salerno, 2021;

- C. Del Vento and P. Musitelli (edited by), Gli scartafacci degli scrittori”. I sentieri della creazione letteraria (secc. XIV-XIX), Roma, Carocci, 2022, part I e part II, (up to p. 142).

Non-attending students are required to additionally prepare the volume M. Berté, M. Petoletti, Filologia medievale e umanistica, il Mulino, 2017 (also recommended for attending students).

During the course the teacher will provide notes and slides. This material will be available on the “Virtuale” platform of her teacher personal website.

Teaching methods


Assessment methods

The verification of the learning will be tested by an oral proof in which the student must show to have acquired 1) The ability to gather with precision the philological situation of the texts taken in examination and the matters related to their transmission, receipt and fortune; 2) the ability to appraise critically the mechanisms of the intertetualità literary in the complex dynamics that takes place among philology, exegesis and creative writing.

  • If a student will not be able to orientate his own knowledge in the literary 'landscape' of the medieval and humanistic culture and to recognize the main philological features of the XIV and XV principal texts under the program, he will receive a negative evaluation;
  • If a student will be able to catch the main aspects of the works and the authors proposed during the course and to recognize the foundamental issues and the peculiar features of the most important works of the humanistic philology and of its main 'characters', he will receive a positive evaluation;
  • If a student will show a deep knowledge of the texts and of the methodological issues of the humanistic philology, he will receive an excellent evaluation.

Teaching tools

Pc, videoproiettore, photocopies.

Office hours

See the website of Loredana Chines


Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.