- Docente: Maria Rita Tagliaventi
- Credits: 8
- SSD: SPS/09
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Blended Learning
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Sociology and Social Work (cod. 8786)
from Sep 19, 2023 to Nov 08, 2023
Learning outcomes
The course aims to provide students with basic concepts to better understand organizational behavior. Lessons, discussion of case studies, and practice will focus on topics concerning individuals, groups, and organizational processes in work settings. More specifically, this course is meant to provide theoretical concepts and managerial tools to (a) understand and analyze the main models underlying organizational behavior and people management; (b) develop and increase critical skills in decision making through the analysis of the impact of theories; c) identify problem solving approaches through discussion of case studies.
Furthermore, this course intends to develop and practice teamwork skills by examining complex situations, identifying common action plans, and coming up with solution during projects. In order to do so, work groups will be set up.
Course contents
5The Individual in Organizations:
- 1.1.Individual differences: personalities and skills
- 1.1.1.Definition of personality
- 1.1.2.The Big Five model
- 1.1.3.The most relevant personality traits
- 1.1.4.Personality assessment
- 1.1.5.The development of cognitive skills
- 1.2.Values, attitudes, moods and emotions
- 1.2.1.The nature of values, attitudes, moods and emotions
- 1.2.2.The relationships between values, attitudes, moods and emotions
- 1.2.3.Job satisfaction
- 1.2.4.Potential consequences of job satisfaction
- 1.3.Perceptions and attributions
- 1.3.1.Perception process
- 1.3.2.Characteristics of the perceiver, target, and situation
- 1.3.3.Perception biases
- 1.3.4.Attribution theory
- 1.3.5.Attribution biases
- 1.4.Motivation at work
1.4.1.What motivation in work settings is: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation- 1.4.2.Why people act the way they do: Motivational theories
- 1.4.3.Goal setting, performance assessment, compensation, and career management as motivational tools
- Group and Team Processes
- 2.1.Work groups
- 2.1.1.Different kinds of work teams and the 5-stage development model
- 2.1.2.Team characteristics
- 2.1.3.Team effectiveness
- 2.1.4.How to measure team effectiveness
- 2.1.5.Team dysfunctional processes
- 2.1.6.Virtual teams
- 2.1.Work groups
- Decision making processes
- 3.1.Types of decisions
- 3.2.Decision making process:
- 3.2.1.The rational model
- 3.2.2.Bounded rationality
- 3.2.3.The Carnegie model
- Power, Politics and Conflicts
- 4.1. The natura of organizational power and politics
- 4.2 Sources of individual formal and informal power
- 4.3.Politics as the exercise of power in organizations
- 4.4.Conflict in organizations
- 4.5.Sources of conflict in organizations
- 4.6.Pondy's model of organizational conflict
The handbook of the course is:
- Pilati M. e H. Tosi. Comportamento Organizzativo – 3rd edition. Milano: Egea (Chapters. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9). The digital version is available at http://www.egeaeditore.it/ita/catalogo/risultato-ricerca.aspx?Testo=pilati%20tosi
Additional References:
· Robbins S.P., Judge T.A., Bodega D. (2016). Comportamento organizzativo. Conoscere e sviluppare competenze organizzative. Milano: Pearson Italia (Chapters: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13). The digital version is available at https://www.pearson.it/opera/pearson/0-6288-comportamento_organizzativo
§ Kreitner R. e A. Kinicki. (2013). Comportamento Organizzativo. Milano: Apogeo (Chapters: 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13).
Teaching methods
The course will consist of interactive lessons, discussion of case studies and media material, and group activities. Specifically, the course conveys organizational behavior models and practices aimed at: a) grasping and applying basic organizational behavior constructs; b) developing critical thinking to drive organizational decision making processes; c) detecting appropriate approaches to organizational problem solving.
Additionally, the course intends to train students to cope with complex organizational challenges through valuable group work and collaborative dynamics.
The course is organized with a part of lectures taught in presence (28 hours) to make students acquainted with organizational behavior concepts and models and a part taught online on MS TEAMS (12 hours) aimed at carrying out a project.
Assessment methods
The final exam of the overall course consists of two parts:
a) Group project
b) Individual test based on two or three open questions
There will be minimum 3 and maximum 5 members for each group. Students will form groups on their own with the only aim of guaranteeing heterogeneity in terms of individual characteristics. The project will concern the application of themes and tools learned during the course to the analysis and the identification of problems and subsequent elaboration of solutions for a case study or a movie assigned by the instructor.
All groups will have to elaborate on a final report of the work, including multimedia contents, delivered in Word or, alternatively, in Powerpoint, by Friday January 26, 2024. The report must be sent to sde.progettisociologia@unibo.it, detailing, both in the message body and in the attached file, the group name and group members.
The main criteria for assessing the group work will be: quality of the project; analysis capabilities; problem identification and problem-solving capabilities. Each criterion has the same weight, 10/30.
The final grade will be calculated based on 50% of the individual test grade and 50% of the group project grade. Algebraic approximation will be applied: grades up to 0.49 will be approximated to the lower integer number, whereas grades higher than 0.50 will be approximated to the upper integer number.
Students who will get at least 27/30 grade in both the individual test and the group projects will be rewarded with an extra 3% (before approximation).
Registering dates and all information about the course will be communicated only via Virtuale (virtuale.unibo.it). [https://iol.unibo.it/).%20Sullo%20stesso%20sito%20sarà%20caricato%20materiale%20integrativo%0d]
Teaching tools
Case studies, literature (book chapters and international papers), and further material available on the Internet will be provided on the website on https://iol.unibo.it, handed over or suggested during class activities.
Office hours
See the website of Maria Rita Tagliaventi
![Good health and well-being](https://www.unibo.it/++resource++unibo.didattica/sdg/en/03.jpg?v=2)
![Decent work and economic growth](https://www.unibo.it/++resource++unibo.didattica/sdg/en/08.jpg?v=2)
![Peace, justice and strong institutions](https://www.unibo.it/++resource++unibo.didattica/sdg/en/16.jpg?v=2)
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.