- Docente: Matteo Pasetti
- Credits: 6
- SSD: M-STO/04
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
Second cycle degree programme (LM) in
Music and Theatre Studies (cod. 8837)
Also valid for Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Cinema, Television and Multimedia Production (cod. 5899)
Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Visual Arts (cod. 9071)
from Mar 19, 2024 to May 09, 2024
Learning outcomes
The course aims at providing students with a general framework which will enable them to acquire a historical viewpoint on the meaning and the characteristics of contemporary history in the European and International context. At the end of the course presumably they will be able to understand the basic features of the social, cultural and political dynamicsin the contemporary history, in order to analyse those dynamics in a critical way, while taking into account the most recent historiographic debate. Furthermore, students will learn to analyse those dynamics in a wider international context. Eventually, they will have acquired the instruments to study in depth the themes of the course thanks to their operational autonomy, and will be able to deliver a speech about their closer examination in a seminar context.
Course contents
The political use of images in 20th century history underwent a very significant development in the period between the two world wars, just as the concept of 'visual culture' began to take shape. After some introductory methodological lectures on the relationship between visual arts and political history, the course will focus on this period of the 20th century, with particular attention to the Italian context and Fascist propaganda, which made use of a complex apparatus of iconographic production (posters, postcards, illustrations, photographs, films, works of art, exhibitions, architectural projects, etc.). Starting from the analysis of the visual communication implemented by the Fascist regime, during the course a comparative approach will be adopted by also examining other aesthetic policies of the 1920s and 1930s, both in the field of totalitarianisms (the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany) and in that of western democracies.
For attending students (at least 10 out of 15 lectures):
1) Luca Acquarelli, Il fascismo e l'immagine dell'impero. Retoriche e culture visuali, Donzelli, Roma 2022
2) bibliography given during the lectures
For non-attending students:
1) Andrea Pinotti, Antonio Somaini, Cultura visuale. Immagini sguardi media dispositivi, Einaudi, Torino 2016
2) Emilio Gentile, Il culto del littorio. La sacralizzazione della politica nell'Italia fascista, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1993 (o edizioni successive), cap. IV, V, VI, e Conclusione
3) Luca Acquarelli, Il fascismo e l'immagine dell'impero. Retoriche e culture visuali, Donzelli, Roma 2022
Teaching methods
The course consists of 15 lectures, with the use of Powerpoint and audiovisual materials. Some of the lectures will have a seminar character with the active participation of the students and the presentation of content agreed upon with the lecturer.
Assessment methods
For both attending and non-attending students, the examination will consist of an oral test.
Participation in the seminar activities included in the course will also be taken into account for the assessment of the attending students.
An accurate and thorough knowledge of the topics covered in the course, together with good analytical and critical skills and a mastery of the specific language will be assessed with marks of excellence (30-30L).
A solid knowledge of the topics covered in the course, together with clear analytical and critical skills and a command of the specific language will be assessed with very good marks (27-29).
A mostly mechanical and/or mnemonic knowledge of the subject, an ability to analyse not always well articulated and/or a correct but not always appropriate language will lead to fair marks (23-26).
Weak analytical skills and approximate or inappropriate language, albeit in a context of minimal knowledge of the examination material, will lead to sufficient marks (18-22).
Teaching tools
In-depth texts, audiovisual materials and Powerpoint presentations (slides will be uploaded onto the Virtuale platform before each lesson).
Office hours
See the website of Matteo Pasetti

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.