88114 - Nursing Care applied to Priority Health Problems

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing (cod. 8473)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the module, the student knows the modality of nursing care in order to deal with population's priority health problems of their territory, the information sources and the related collaborations.

Course contents

Evolution of nursing care's definitions

The essence of caring

The nursing theories on Caring

The components of Caring Nursing:

- caring thoughts

- caring feelings

- caring actions

The Principles of Caring for Patient Focused Care

Caring for person and family in nursing practice:

- the views of health professionals

- the experience of patients

Outcomes of Caring

Humanization of care

Missed nursing care

Nurse-patient relationship to help:

- the principles

- techniques facilitating communicarion in relationship to help


Mortari L, Saiani L. Gesti e pensieri di cura. Mc Graw Hill, 2013.

Saiani L, Brugnolli A. Trattato di cure infermieristiche. Sorbona, 2010.

Koloroutis M. Cure Basate sulla Relazione. Un modello per trasformare la pratica clinica. Casa editrice Ambrosiana, 2015.

Canzan F, Saiani L, Mortari L, Ambrosi E. Quando i pazienti parlano di cura: uno studio qualitativo fenomenologico. ASSIST INFERM RIC 2013; 32: 205-212.

Edvardsson D, Watt E, Peare F. Patient experiences of caring and person-centredness are associated with perceived nursing care quality. J Adv Nurs 2017; 73(1):217-227.

Aiken L, Sloane DM, Ball J, Bruyneel L, Rafferty AM, Griffiths P. Patient satisfaction with hospital care and nurses in England: an observational study. BMJ Open 2018;8:e019189.

Teaching methods

Interactive lesson with mixed teaching mode

Assessment methods

As ongoing evaluation, students will carry out a group work with analysis of a case related to the topics covered in the lessons with at the end an plenary exposition of the case.

As a final assessment, students will take a multiple choice quiz.

Teaching tools

Video Projector


Educational platform Teams

Multimedia whiteboard

Office hours

See the website of Nikita Valentina Ugenti