- Docente: Marco Prevedelli
- Credits: 6
- SSD: FIS/03
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Physics (cod. 9245)
Learning outcomes
The student will learn elementary quantum optics and matter-wave
interaction theory in order to understand the recent experimental
advances in the field of laser-assisted manipulation of atoms,
specifically laser cooling and trapping for both fundamental and applied
Course contents
Matter-wave interaction: A e B di Einstein's A and B.
Two levels atom in a classical field: optical Bloch equations, Bloch's vector, rotating wave approximation, Rabi's oscillations, Ramsey's method.
Two levels atom in a quantized field (Jaynes-Cummings' model): Fock's states and coherent states, spontaneous decay, micromaser.
dressed atom: energy levels, fluorescence spectrum.
Laser cooling: Doppler cooling, Doppler limit, elements of sub-Doppler cooling.
Ion traps: RF traps (Paul), static traps (Penning).
Atom traps: magneto-optical traps, magnetic traps (Quadrupole,Joffe,Time Orbiting Potential), optical traps, optical lattices.
Some special lasers: ultrastable CW lasers, optical combs, measurement of optical frequencies.
Some notions on: evaporative cooling, reaching quantum degeneracy, optical clocks, atom interferometry, quantum computers
- Notes and slides from the teacher. Check on virtuale using the link on the right of this page
- Notes by D. A. Steck, available here.
Teaching methods
Lectures and assigned readings and discussion of scientific papers.
Assessment methods
The knowledge of the basic facts of atoms-radiation interaction will be verified with oral questions and/or with the request to the student to prepare a short seminar on arguments treated in the course.
Typically the final test takes between 30 and 45 min. and touches a couple of arguments, one chosen by the candidate and the other by the examiner. In case the candidate opts for preparing a seminar, questions by the examiner are, of course, still possible.
The final grade is a monotonic but nonlinear function, a sort of sigmoid, like the error function, of the number of correct statements made by the candidate.
Teaching tools
The knowledge of the basic facts of atoms-radiation interaction will be verified with oral questions and/or with the request to the student to prepare a short seminar on arguments treated in the course.
Office hours
See the website of Marco Prevedelli