- Docente: Maurizio Fiorini
- Credits: 9
- SSD: CHIM/07
- Language: English
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Chemical and Process Engineering (cod. 8896)
from Sep 18, 2023 to Dec 20, 2023
Learning outcomes
This course is intended to provide (engineering students) with a good comprehension of the principles of chemistry and shows how they apply in describing the behaviour of the solid state. A relationship between electronic structure, chemical bonding, and crystal structure is developed.
Course contents
Amorphous and crystalline solids. Symmetry; the main symmetry elements. Lattices; unit cell; Bravais lattices. Miller indices for planes and lattice directions.
Review on packing of atoms, close-packed structures. ionic crystals and their main structures (rocksalt, fluorite, blende, wurtzite, rutile, ReO3; mixed oxides: perosvkite and spinels). Silicates.
Bonding in solids. Ionic solids; the role of ion size; Shannon-Prewitt model for ions. Transition metal compounds and non-bonding electron effects. Crystal field theory. Band model for metals and semiconductors.
Crystal defects and non-stoichiometry. Role of point defects in diffusion in solids. Ionic conductivity. Some important solid state electrolytes for batteries and fuel cells.
Catalysts for polymer production: radical initiators, Ziegler-Natta and metallocene catalyst in polyolefin production. Branching in polyethylenes: origin and influence on polymer properties. Catalysts for step-growth polymerization: transition metals in polyester production.
Biobased and/or biodegradable polymers: production, properties and main applications.
Chemisorption and activation on transition metals. Interaction models based on HOMO-LUMO. Examples of relevant industrial applications: CO activation
Carbon based materials: conducting polymers, structure and properties. Materials for secondary Li-based batteries: anodes, cathodes and electrolytes. Li-ion vs Li metal batteries. Fuel cells: materials for anodes, cathodes, electrolytes and bipolar plates. Proton conducting polymers for fuel cells electrolytes. Fullerenes and fullerides, synthesis and properties. Carbon nanotubes, graphene and their application in polymer nanocomposites.
Layered solids: layered double hydroxides, clays and their modification to improve the compatibility with polymers. Preparation of polymer nanocomposites using organoclays. Flame retardant properties of LDH and organoclay based polymer nanocomposites.
C. E. Carraher, Polymer Chemistry, 9th ed. CRC Press (2010)
B. D. Fahlman "Materials Chemistry" 2nd ed, Springer (2011)
A. R. West " Solid State Chemistry and its Applications" 2nd ed. Wiley (2014)
Parts of these textbooks to be read as individual study are stated in classroom at the end of each block of the course
Guided reading will be also assigned. Thse readings are available for download from the Virtual pages of the course
Teaching methods
Learning objectives are defined on a weekly base.
Slides and other teaching supporting materials can be dowloaded from the Unibo on-line teaching platform:
Teaching material is organized in Topics.
Several innovative topics are better focused on by reading papers published on scientific journals that can be downloaded from Virtuale too.
Assessment methods
Written test at the end of the course. The test is made of 5 or 6 questions on blocks of the course and they may also include guided readings.
Registration to take the written test is mandatory through Students on line platform. Lists open well in adavnce to the test date and close a few days before. The written tests take place in a classroom as shown in Student on line at the time of the registration.
Any different exam organization is excluded.
Office hours
See the website of Maurizio Fiorini

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.